Boss Battle

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I step out of the shower, towel wrapped around my waist when I walk into the bedroom, Jungkook is still asleep on the bed. I watch him, so beautiful, so sweet, he worries about me so much and I don't want him to have too anymore. "Hi gorgeous," I hear a sleepy voice say. "Hi baby, how did you sleep", I ask. He stretches, blankets falling off his naked body, my cock is instantly hard. He sits up, grabs my hips and pulls me to him, undoing my towel, "let me take care of this for you."


His tongue laps at the precum leaking from my slit, his mouth is magnificent, hot and so fucking wet. He wraps his hand around the base of my shaft and engulfs me, moaning with every bob of his head. I grab his hair, not able to control myself, and start fucking his mouth, my cock hitting the back of his throat. "I'm going to cum babe, are you ready", I ask. He nods slightly, still swirling his tongue around my dick, I groan, and he moans when the hot spurts splash in the back of his throat, and like my good boy, he takes it all.

I gather him in my arms, "you are so good to me love, I promise to blow your mind later, but I have to go, we have our meeting with the Columbians." He sighs, "please be careful, I love you so much Jin." "I love you too baby", I pull him to me and capture his mouth. "Don't forget to finish packing, you are leaving with the others, and I will meet you there later", I tell him. He nods and kisses me again, resting his forehead against mine, "be safe."

Ken pulls the SUV around to the front of the mansion, Tae and I climb in, seeing the other SUV behind us with Tae's guards. "What are you thinking Jin", Tae asks. "We'll give him a chance to talk, after that I slit his fucking throat", I growl. "Works for me", he says laughing. "How many we taking in boss", Ken asks. "Just us 3, the others stay outside, ready and waiting", Tae says.

I check my weapons, safety's off, I take a second to think of Jungkook, my sweet boy, I know that anything could happen to me today and he would be left alone. I just hope he knows that the short time I have been with him has been the happiest in my life. "We are here boss", Ken says pulling into the guarded compound. "He is waiting for you in the main house Boss Kim", the guard says pointing the way.

Stepping into the grand mansion is like stepping into Colombia itself, the colors, decor and music all make it feel like Maximos country. "Ahhhh, you are all here", Max says greeting Ken, me, and then Tae last. "Max, thank you for seeing us on such short notice", Tae says. "Of course, follow me, let's go to my office", he says. I look at Tae, and he can read it on my face that we need to be cautious, I am trying to take in our surroundings, in case we need to get out quickly.

"Please sit, make yourself comfortable, who wants a drink", Maximo says pouting himself some kind of red drink. "It's Sangria, it's delicious", Max says. "We are fine, thank you", Tae says sitting but Ken and I remain standing. "It seems we have a problem Max", Tae starts. "Oh, what problem would that be Taehyung", he says. "You", Tae says. Maximo laughs, "me, what did I do, let me fix it."

Tae stands, "you lied to me, you told me that your people were going rogue and not taking orders from you, but that's a lie isn't it Max." "W-why would I lie Taehyung, my men are", he tries to explain until Tae slams his hand on Max's desk. "STOP LYING TO ME", Tae yells. I pull my desert eagles out from under my coat and cock them. Max looks at me,  eyes wide, "Seokjin please, I am telling you the truth, I-I think my son is trying to have me taken out, he sent those men to blow up your mansion."

Tae was stunned, but didn't show it to Max, Tae never shows weakness, never falters in front of his enemies. "He wants to take over the family and wreak havoc, doesn't he, selling his drugs in others territories", Tae asks. "Yes, he knows I am against it, I never wanted my family in the drug business, I have grandchildren, nieces and nephews, I don't want that for them", Max says. "Max, let's say,  hypothetically of course, Juan were to disappear, who would take over when you step down", Tae asks.

"My daughter wants nothing to do with this life, she has a husband and children and that is her main priority, so my nephew would be next in line", Max says sounding defeated. "What are his priorities Max, your ideals, or Juan's", I ask. He sighs, sadness in his eyes when he speaks the next words, "he will have mine and his fathers ideals, once my son and his closest men disappear, as you say." Tae stands again, "we will be in touch, and a word of advice Max, make sure your nephew is on the same page as we are because the Koreans, Italians and Russians have no problem eradicating vermin in this city."

He nods, "I agree, I will make sure that he conforms." "Let's go", Tae says walking toward the door. I turn back to Maximo, "Han-Jae respected you very much, he would be upset if something happened to you, so word of advice, don't tell Juan what we talked about, or you won't see your grandchildren grow up." "Thank you Seokjin, I will heed that advice", he says. I walk out, catching up with Tae and Ken, once we are back in the SUV, "call a meeting with Nico and Dmetri, see if Nico will let us meet at his place since mine is being renovated."

After hanging up with Nico, "he's going to reach out too Dmetri and set up a meeting, he will call me back." "Good", it's time to put an end to all of this bullshit", Tae says. I look out the window, happy knowing I am on my way to see Jungkook

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