Chapter 3

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Morgana landed on her backside with a painful thump, and a cold talon of recognition scraped down the back of her neck when she looked up at the three figures towering over her.

Elvenia crossed her arms and the moonlight was dull against her topaz dress.

Alston reeked of iron, blood dripping over his lips and onto the front of his suit. His teeth flashed in the moonlight, and icy fear pierced Morgana's gut.

She clambered to her feet and turned to run. But Alston unleashed his earth magic and tripped her. Morgana fell onto her stomach with a painful wheeze and her head bounced off the grass. Her scream was cut short by Dain's air magic, face turning red, she clawed her throat, lungs burning. Their laughter sounded like vultures squawking over a carcass. Dain waved a hand and flung Morgana into the side of the castle. Her back smashed into the wall, and pain streaked down her spine like lightning. Head throbbing, panic rose in her chest like a banshee's wail. Her vision began to spot. But before she could pass out, she plummeted to the ground and air whistled down her throat.

"I won't kill you just yet," Dain chortled. "I want to have some fun first." He waved a hand and Morgana's gown was ripped off by his air magic. The gown fluttered onto the grass, and cool air razed Morgana's skin. She wore only her undergarments but that didn't stop her from trying to run away. Alston clamped his magic around Morgana's legs and dragged her back. She clawed dirt and grass, desperate to hold onto something.

Tears ran down her face. "Let me go!"

Elvenia waved a hand, disappearing Alston's blood from his face and suit. "After what you did to Alston? Not a chance."

Suddenly, Morgana was thrown onto her back, pinned by Alston's earth magic. She tried to scream but Dain stole the air from her lungs again. "If you keep screaming, I'll just kill you." He let her breathe once more and knelt next to her.

After Morgana stopped struggling Alston loosened his hold on her arms and legs.

A stupid move on his behalf.

Morgana took the chance and punched Dain in the throat, who fell with a gurgle. She scrambled to her feet but was slammed face down again by Alston's earth magic. Pain exploded over her limbs, before she was flipped onto her back. It felt like a boulder was crushing her and she could barely breathe.

"You little bitch," rasped Dain, face red and screwed up like a toddler on the verge of a tantrum.

Morgana's tears floated into the air. "I should drown her with these," Elvenia's voice was as cold as a tomb. "Float them down her nose and create a puddle inside her lungs."

"She deserves it," Dain snickered.

Alston knelt beside Morgana, and she fought the urge to scream again. He lifted her camisole, exposing her belly, and grinned at the others. "I think here will be good." His finger traced a line across her stomach, and it felt like a spider crawling over her skin.

"Piss off," Morgana's voice shook.

Sharp pain cut into Morgana's belly like a hot knife, it was Alston's earth magic honed into a fine point. She screamed again.

Dain hadn't bothered to silence her, because he was too entranced with what Alston was cutting into Morgana's belly. The letter P was carved into her skin, and blood dripped down the sides of her stomach.

"Oh, I get it! You're carving the word pet into her- because she's a pet!" Dain jumped up and down, giggling like a demented clown.

Alston grinned, and Elvenia laughed.

Just as Alston had started to carve the letter E, he flew into the air like a marionette dragged by its strings. He yelled and waved an arm, trying to fight the earth user who'd attacked him. He rose higher into the sky.

Elvenia gasped, hand shooting to her mouth.

Dain spun on the spot, peering into the darkness, trying to find the culprit. But there was no one there. He gave up and sent a gust of air magic after Alston. Everyone's hair flew back. "I'll catch you!" he screamed.

Morgana scrambled back, tugging her camisole down, gaping at Alston's floating body.

Alston reached the top of a turret, impossibly high, looking like a speck amongst the stars. "Put me down!" his voice echoed.

His wish was granted.

He plummeted at breakneck speed, arms and legs flailing.

Elvenia screamed. And Dain raised his arms sending a strong gust of wind but it wasn't enough to stop Alston from hitting the grass with a sickening crunch. A beat of silence passed where they all stared at Alston who was sprawled on his back, unmoving.

Elvenia and Dain ran over to him, but they were thrown back into the castle wall by the same earth user that attacked Alston. Their heads cracked and they slid down, slumping against the wall like crumpled dolls.

There was a still moment where distant shouts and laughter echoed from the maze.

Morgana wondered if she was next.

"Who's there?" She stood up, eyes searching the dark and rolling lawns, hoping to see Damon. But there was no one.

Someone powerful had saved her, but who? 

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