A Simple Joke

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Batgirl, Nightwing and Robin all arrived at the location, Garth's Pier. They looked around and soon Cassandra revealed herself. They gave each other a nod and met each other on the roof of an old canning factory. They studied the surroundings, listening for any signs of anything.

"Shit..." Batgirl shook her head. "We may have to scout these buildings one by one."

"How many are in the area?" Nightwing asked.

Alfred's voice came through their built-in headsets. "Fifteen buildings."

"Heat signatures?" Robin asked.

"Give me a moment." There was the clack of keyboard as they waited. "The building your on. Wait, that's you guys. Hmm...ah, here we are. There is a small shed that is colder than it should be."


"Not that cold. But not warm either. It's the only anomaly of the place."

"Cassandra with me." Batgirl instructed. "Nightwing, Robin. Want to -"

"Hey, I'm the leader here." Nightwing smiled. "We got you Babs. We'll start with that one." Nightwing pointed towards a small, abandoned intake facility. Looked like it was meant to offload supplies from carriers. It looked rusted and abandoned though.

They split off in different directions. Batgirl and Cassandra approached the small shed. They took a sharp breath in and Batgirl kicked the door in. They moved in quick but only found shelves and a door on the floor. The opened it and revealed a staircase into a deep, dark and dank stairwell. They shared a look.

"We got a stairwell here." Batgirl reported.

"This place definitely is abandoned. Still searching via AR, just in case." Nightwing reported back. "Go ahead and head down. If you lose contact come back up and we'll go back in together."

"Roger that." Batgirl nodded. "Cassandra."

"I'll lead the way."

Cassandra leading, they descended the stairs. Batgirl kept an eye on her signal strength. It remained pretty strong as they got deeper. There was a metal door at the end of the stairs. They tested it and it opened.

"Unlocked?" Batgirl pondered to herself.

They stepped in and found themselves in semi-dark room. There looked to be graffiti to be everywhere but it was all ineligible in the light. Batgirl used her AR device to see what they said. She recoiled as the list of words was displayed on her HUD.

"What do they say?"

"HA - HA - HA." Batgirl shivered. "Nightwing, we found the place. Come -"

The were interrupted as the door slammed shut behind them and a loud hum surrounded them. Her signal strength went from 90% to 0% in an instance. She looked around and saw an electrocuted fence around them. Then the cackle of a maniac surrounded them. A small computer monitor turned on in the corner.

"Hahahahaha." It was Joker on the screen. "Here for the Detective, I reckon?"

"Where did you put him Joker?" Batgirl demanded.

"Oh, now you want to know?" Joker laughed again. "He's here."

A light turned on and showed Jim Gordon, stripped naked and tied to a wooden chair. He was behind a thick glass. Batgirl tired punching it but didn't even crack the thick glass. Had to be military grade.

"Now, now. In due time Batsie Jr."

"Hmm, not entirely original."

"I can call you Batcunt!" Joker cackled at his own joke.

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