Chapter 2: Experiment

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Emerald pov: "Howdy Sleepyhead!" I groaned while I woke up. My head hurted a lot. I looked around to see who spoke. Where am I even? "Sheesh, I thought I killed you already. Not that it matters, I could just take your brother in that case" My memories then came back to me as I looked at a certain yellow flower. That stupid talking salad kidnapped me. AND WHAT THE HECK DID IT JUST SAY?! "DON'T YOU DARE EVEN LAY A DIRTY PETAL ON HIM YOU OVERGROWN WEED! Now let me GO!" I yelled while I tried to struggle free. "Awww that's no way to talk to a friend" "We are NOT friends, you talking salad!" he's starting to get on my nerves. "SHUT UP!"

Flowey pov: This brat is starting to annoy the THING out of me. "Lets cut to the point peanut brain you have something I want." I pointed towards her "My soul" "wow you're finally using your brain" she got more irritated by this. "'re going to kill me then? If that's the case then it's a grave mistake." ughh a dumb pun "I'm tired of you and your stupid puns. *sigh* While I would LOVE to kill you for some reason i...can't. But I have a better idea" I smiled as I took out something I was hiding behind me. A syringe holding a white bright liquid. I saw her filled with fear and confusion. "I found some interesting documents about souls in an old lab. It seems that your soul is somewhat unique but weak. HAHAHA bet you're even weaker than that smiling trash bag." "I. Am. Not. WEAK!" this is hilarious "Are those really your last words?" "No this is. Your vines taste horrible!" She bit my vines and ran. Oww, that little brat, what is wrong with her and biting?!

Emerald pov: I ran as fast as I could, away from that talking salad. What was the old lab?! What documents and files was he talking about? And that syringe... That thing didn't seem like anything good. I looked forward only to see nothing but tall trees. I need to find someone, but no one would be this deep in the forest. I Have to still try, hopefully Undyne is nearby. I was running until I felt a sudden pain in my leg. I fell as I saw my leg being wrapped around a spiny vine. "YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE" Flowey gave a diabolical face.

~Back with the three brothers~

Sans pov: I was just chilling on the couch with a fresh new bottle of ketchup. Papyrus was cooking again and the little kiddo was somewhere upstairs. It was very quiet, it sort of felt weird. "Hey Sans" "what's up kiddo?" Leo walked in front of me and he seemed a bit worried? "Do you know where my sister is?" Actually now thinking about it I haven't seen her since we left Waterfall. "Sorry bud, I haven't seen her. Did she tell you anything?" "I did see her outside by the warehouse reading a book. But she's not there anymore. She never leaves without telling me." Kid has a point she always tells her bro, paps, or me if she is going anywhere. "EMERALD IS NOT HERE?!" Papyrus came from the kitchen while Leo nodded " HAVE YOU TRIED SNOWDIN TOWN?" "yeah, but no one saw her. '' He started to look more worried. "How about we go and find her, what do you say kiddo?" "Yeah! Oh and can Frisk help too?" I shrugged "Why not."He went upstairs to get something and came downstairs pretty quickly "GOOD LUCK YOU TWO AND DO COME BACK FOR DINNER. THE GREAT PAPYRUS COOKING SHALL NOT BE WASTED." Papyrus said while we were about to leave. "Don't worry paps we'll be back" "Agent pie says she is waiting for us near town." I looked at him a bit confused. "Agent pie?" "yeah its Frisk's secret codename" I remember Emerald said something about Frisk and him wanting to be secret spies, after watching a movie. "Sans, where should we look first?" I thought about it a bit. Where would she be? "No clue" "Well her favorite place is Waterfalls but she also likes to be in the forest." Leo explained. The forest is kind of dangerous for him, and knowing Emerald she wouldn't have liked that idea. I wouldn't hear the end of it. "how about you and agent pie go check out Waterfalls while i check the forest." "That sounds like a great idea! And you could have my walkie talkie. Since Frisk has one two!" He gave me his walkie talkie and ran off to Snowdin town. I looked back at the forest. Something wasn't right. She already knows the Underground pretty well so she couldn't get lost and she wouldn't just leave......unless....oh no Flowey! But they could be anywhere in the forest...Good thing I know the forest like the back of my spine.

Emerald pov: Shoot, i can't move. the thorns from the vines dug in deeper with every movement and That thing was getting closer and closer to my soul. I can't even escape. I don't even know what that thing is. Am I really weak? Is this There's no way out. But.. I can't. I can't leave my brother! I closed my eyes and used all my strength to break free. I could feel the blood dripping while I tried to escape. But the vines only tightened. "This is it, you pathetic human!" I shut my eyes and braced myself but....nothing happened. Suddenly I heard a loud blast nearby. "Hey kiddo, it seems like you're in a tight situation" it was Sans! I would have laughed for that pun but I was more concerned for the demonic flower who was laughing crazy. " You just had to get in my way, smiley trashbag" "Sorry bud but i think you're gonna have to reschedule the appointment." "Augh you and your stupid irritating jokes. Just DIE ALREADY" I walked to a nearby tree, limping behind a tree. I watched as Sans continued to dodge Flowey's attacks. There were bones he summoned to attack, but he continued to mostly dodge. "Hey Kid, get out while you can." He wants me to leave him?! I can't. But I am injured, and Flowey is after me. I continued to hear the sounds in the battlefields as my thoughts raced. 'No matter how bad i feel I-' I hid my guilt and thoughts and escaped away from the battle.

Sans pov: Good, the kid left. Now to deal with the growing problem. "Wow you would sacrifice your life for someone? A human? You'd actually risk never seeing Papyrus again?" Paps..... I- no Flowey is trying to distract me. "Really didn't think this through, did you?" It's getting harder to focus and dodge. "That's unexpected seeing how much you care about him" I thought for a moment. I was getting a bit tired. I need to- "Got you!" I was wrapped in vines, shoot. "Wow I can't believe this, lost your touch?" This isn't good "Can't believe the greatest thorn on my back is the weakest to tear" "LET HIM GO" I saw as the kid bit Flowey's vine, dropping me into the snow. Flowey yelled in pain while I looked toward the kid "I told you to leave" she looked at the ground. "Yeah know..." she looked up "Papyrus would scold us if we weren't both there for dinner" huh, the kid really came back. "Now lets go before-" I saw in front of me as the kids soul was injected by Flowey.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I was busy with some assignments but I'm back and will update more frequently. Also sorry for the cliffhanger, others than that have a nice and happy day/night/evening!

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