Chapter 16: That's it! I'm SICK and TIRED of everything

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Classic pov: Blue got hit by Killer. Ink made a shield using his Ink while we tried to help Blue. But Cross immediately destroyed and Dust was heading toward us. "I am NOT GONNA FUCKING LOSE ANYONE ELSE" Emerald went straight torward Dust with a sword? Did she summon one? "I am tired and sick of all this!" She kept attacking the bad guys. "Of what? It was your choice" I have a bad feeling about this

Emerald pov: My choice? My CHOICE?! "Oh sure let's just forget the literal threat you gave me when we first met!" I blocked an attack and looked back at the others. Blue got hurt because of me "You broke the deal, that means the deal is off" I went straight towards him only for Cross to block my attack. I'm honestly tired of all of this! I suddenly felt a stinging pain in my back . My vision was getting blurry and my hearing was muffled.

Nightmare pov: The pathetic human started yelling, I could feel an immense amount of pain coming from them. Briefly a green light surrounded them. What the hell is happening? A loud echoing roar erupted, it was coming from that human? Except there was no trace of them, the only thing left was a scaly beast. I knew she wasn't human but this is....unexpected.

Killer pov: What the hell is going on?! Shes a fucking dragon?! That thing started attacking us. "How are we going to kill this thing?!" Dust said while barely dodging a claw. "I don't know, fire?" I dodged another claw "Killer a dragon breathes fire! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO KILL FIRE WITH FIRE?!" Sheesh what got Cross in a bad mood "It was just a thought. What do you got genius?" "Anything better than yours" How could Horror say that. I'm betrayed by my own buddies.

Ink pov: "Umm...Classic is that?" Dream asked before I could "Yeah its...sorta of a long story" "THAT'S SO COOL! She's a dragon?! Look at those giant wings! Wait, can she fly? Can she breathe fire?!" She looked like those fantasy movies we watched. "I think now is not the time to question this Ink. We need to know how to help her" Blue said while standing up. Wait, how is he not surprised by this? "How...did this even happen?" Dream said. Actually, i'm a bit curious too. "Like I said its..a long story. Right now we have to calm her down" "And what's the plan? I mean how the hell are we going to calm that thing?" Red has a point "Its still Emerald inside....I may have an idea" Great! Dream has an idea. "It's simple but there is an issue. Nightmare." "What about Nightmare?" I asked "Classic you said she hasn't been sleeping right?" We all looked toward Classic "umm yeah?" "If i can release my aura it can calm her down but i need a lot of positivity" Ohh that's where the issue comes in. "You dont think Nightmare will let that happen" I finished "yes" "....Well it's the only plan we have" Dream teleported away by Nightmare while we stayed back. "Sooo are we just gonna wait here?" "Yep!" "Aannd we're just gonna let her go on a rampage on Nightmares gang?" "ummm yeah pretty much" I have full faith in Dream, i just hope Nightmare agrees...........well from Dream's face it looks like he did! "Okay, he agreed. But we have to do this quickly"

Emerald pov: I couldn't think. I couldn't do anything. Everything felt surreal. My thoughts were cloudy, and my hearing was muffled. "Hey kiddo. Come on let's go home" That voice....Classic? "Let's head back" I-I can't how can i protect them. I couldn't do anything before but i won't make the same mistake again. Never. "Your brother is worried about you!" worried about me? I- I need to think straight. I need to calm down. What's even going on? Once I cleared my mind I could see clearly and...did I do this? Some of Nightmare's gang was injured and Blue looked still injured. I didn't mean to do this. "Classic? What happened? Are you okay?" Wait, why was I growling? Before I could move I felt something warm and light. It was comfortable feels so warm and welcoming. Why do I feel so...sleepy all of a sudden?....well..maybe...i can take a...small little nap......for a bit...yeah....just..for..a bit.

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