Chapter 4: Secret

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Leo pov: I looked at my sister and Sans who appeared all of a sudden. I had to blink a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. ""WHERE WERE YOU TWO?!" Undyne yelled rather upset. "SIS! I WAS SO WORRIED!" I then saw her leg which was covered in blood. "Your leg is bleeding, are you okay?" Frisk asked before I could. "Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just a scratch" she tried to calm us but it didn't really work. "BROTHER WHAT DID HAPPEN?" Before Sans could answer Undyne was starting to yell. "YOU TWO BETTER TELL US WHAT HAPPENED, PAPYRUS AND THE KIDS WERE WORRIED SICK FOR YOU!" "Undyne please don't yell, they will explain" Frisk said. I looked back at my sister filled with worry and bad because she was hurt. When she saw me and sighed. "It..was really nothing. Sans just saved me from that weird yellow flower." She was attacked by that yellow flower we met when we first fell. When he was trying- he was trying to hurt my sister! I looked back at my sister, her legs were covered in blood and holes. Her jacket too.....I ran and hugged my sister tightly "It's okay Leo. I'm right here, and I always will be" she whispered while rubbing my back and hugging me. "Thanks Sans" I have a feeling that something else is wrong and she isnt telling me but at least she's here now. "I KNOW WHAT WILL CHEER EVERYONE. THE GREAT PAPYRUS COOKING!" We decided to follow Papyrus to the kitchen and eat. He also helped heal my sister's wound. When it was close to bedtime Undyne and Frisk left back home so we all said our goodbyes and I thanked them for helping me. Since it was a weekend we slept inside the house instead of our mini home. I just hope my sister feels better, that gives me an idea. "Goodnight Sis! Goodnight Sans!" "goodnight kiddo" "Goodnight bro!" "GOODNIGHT TO YOU TWO" "Goodnight Papyrus" When me and Papyrus entered I decided to tell him my great plan for tomorrow.

Emerald pov: I layed down looking at the ceiling as my thoughts ate away any sleep I had. How can a ceiling be so interesting? Its funny. I usually sleep a lot everyday but... now........"your awake kiddo?" "yeah.....i can't sleep for some reason" There was a bit of quietness before Sans broke it "well it was quite a day for you" "....yeah...." another period of quietness. "Try to get some rest ok" I tried to close my eyes and drift off to sleep. But woke up a couple minutes later.

~The next morning~

I groaned while I slowly woke up. Did. Did I fall asleep? What time is it? I looked around while I waited for my body to wake up a bit more. I noticed Sans wasn't here. That means it must be VERY late in the morning but....why didn't my brother or Papyrus wake me up? They usually come in dragging me out of bed. And even Sans is awake? I went downstairs to see everyone in the kitchen. "Good morning sister! Guess what? I saved you some of my special pancakes to make you feel better!" Leo said while he gave me a plate carrying a stack of pancakes. He's so adorable and caring. Aww he's the best little brother. I then looked back at the pancakes. They.....looked more edible than the other first attempts. I decided to take a bite, as soon as I did I felt a very salty taste in my mouth. He must..have..confused...the salt..for sugar....again. "Well how is it?" He smiled and was very excited to hear my thoughts. "It's.....*sigh* It's great Leo. I'm feeling better already" He couldn't hold his joy, he was actually starting to turn a bit red from happiness. "I KNEW IT! Thank goodness I saved more" what i get for lying ... .But seeing him so joyful, maybe it's worth sacrificing my tastebuds. But I should really start labeling these ingredients, it could be helpful after all. "BROTHER DO YOU KNOW WHAT TODAY IS!" "umm lazy Sunday?" "NO SANS! AUGH TODAY WE VISIT OUR OTHER MES AND YOUS" Papyrus explained. "Yeah I can't wait to see Blue and Crooks again!" I kind of forgot that we were supposed to meet them. Wait, aren't we supposed to meet them tomorrow? "I kind of forgot that it was today. But now thinking, it has been awhile since i've eaten blues tacos" I actually don't know if i do want to go, not after yesterday. They tended to be more observant but maybe no one would notice? "We teleported to another house in a secluded au. A sort of meet up area we only use. "hey brats" "Helloo Friends!" "Hey" we all greeted our friends. "You came right in time my magnificent and delicious tacos are finished Emerald" Blue knows me too well. I took a taco from the kitchen as i took a seat in the living room where I saw Stretch laying on the couch "Hey stretch" "hey kiddo" he then took a sip of his honey and fell back asleep? I saw my brother talking to Crooks, Puff, and Blue while Horror was listening. Sans fell asleep on the kitchen counter. Edge was making lasagna and Red just took a seat near me. "Woah brat, what's with all the bandages?" Red asked while drinking his mustard. "I...accidentally got in between a fight" It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the whole truth either "You were in a fight? No wonder you're all bruised" "I said in between a fight, not in a fight" Red was only laughing "Sure thing twerp, like if you can even last fight. Can you even fight?" Why do I even bother? "Here you Emerald!" Blue said all of a sudden, which startled me for a second. I then noticed what blue had in his hand. "Hot sauce?!" I said happily, I swear I could feel my tail moving. Wait a was moving! I slouched more into the couch so it could stop squirming. It hurted a bit. I then looked back at Blue and Red who were confused. "Just wanted to be more comfy before finishing my taco. Also thanks Blue." I hope they don't question anything "Emerald, are you feeling alright?" Blue was starting to worry. Great. This is going to be a long day. "Yeah I'm fine" Suddenly everyone started to come to the living room. "So what movie are we planning on watching today?" I said while trying to change the topic. "I want to watch an action movie with cars!" Puff and Leo suggested. Classic and Stretch voted for comedy which some strongly disagreed with. Horror and I wanted to watch....Well a horror movie. And Blue was fine with either a family or action movie. In the end we chose an action comedy family movie. Since horror might have (sadly) been too scary for my brother, Puff and Blue also disliked horror movies. But the movie still looks interesting.

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