Chapter 13: New Friend

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Emerald pov: I walk slowly down the stairs, trying not to fall. It's so dark you can barely see what's in front of you. Yeah most of the hallways are like this, and sure there's some lit candles,  But really?! He really made his castle fit the theme of pitch black darkness! I can barely see my feet. Once I finally reached the bottom I looked at the cells. Some cells had bars and others were more...secured with their own metal door...The more I look at it, the more this castle reminds me of a castle from the medieval times. I checked most of the cells which were, thankfully, empty until I slid open the door window hatch and saw Abyss. I can't tell if he's awake or not.......might as well knock to check.

Abyss pov: My skull hurts. Where am I even? The last thing I remember was fighting those 4 and....she knocked me out?......Now looking at it, this doesn't look like home, more of a prison cell. How am I going to get out of here? I suddenly heard a knock at the door and stood still. "Huh guess he's still out. Hope he wakes up soon." Wait, that sounds like that kid from earlier. What is she doing here? And why did- I saw the door creak open. Maybe I can try to escape at the right time. I could hear footsteps echoing until stopping in front of me.............."You can stop pretending, I know you're awake" I looked up to see the same kid again. She sat on the floor and slid a plate with a sandwich on top. "I decided to bring you something to eat" I stared at the plate and back at her. I still can't trust her. I wouldn't be stuck here if she didn't attack me. "It's my famous pj sanswhich. You're not allergic to peanuts, right?" Did she try to make a pun? "How do I know you didn't poison it?" She stood still for a while. "Yeah, that's a good point, since...i'm with the bad sanses........and i knocked you out" she went quiet "but.. I can ensure you, im probably the nicest person here." she grabbed something from her pocket. It was a first aid kit. "Here why don't you patch yourself up, i need to go for a bit". She walked away leaving the kit, but she didn't get out. "What? How is it locked?" She looked through the window. She looks mad, what did she- "DUST! Open the door!" "Hey killer, did you hear something?" "Nope~" "Funny thought i did'' Well that wasn't really nice. "Well I guess I did deserve that... Hope you don't mind the company" Well I don't really have a choice either way. She laid down in the corner by the door. Now that I got a better look, she looked like she hadn't slept in years. Not only that but she has some cuts in her face and jacket. "You don't have to stare you know" Was I staring for too long? "You look in pretty bad shape, okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Just was in a fight before this" "A fight with Nightmare?" "HAH, the only time I did I only landed one hit while he almost killed me. And that one hit didn't do anything to him.....nah, I was fighting Dust." She fell silent, like she was lost in thought. " did you get involved with them? I mean why would Nightmare need you?" "It's...a ..long story and I don't even know anymore why Nightmare needs me. Maybe it's either to ruin my life, use me like his personal battery, or just ruin my sleep schedule" She laughed weakly and sighed. "Well I don't mind, I mean we are stuck in here, Might as well tell me." Not only am I curious but the information could be helpful. "It wasn't much. Nightmare only found me when he sensed my negativity. He threatened to kill my brother if I didn't agree so...." "You agreed?" "...yeah, i did. He said something about my negativity and that ive agreed to be his "personal battery of negativity" or whatever." "And why don't you ask for help?" "I..... I don't know. I just don't want anyone to risk their lives.......Anyways it isn't that bad" Isn't that bad? I don't even want to imagine what she means by battery, wouldn't you have to agree to always feel negative emotions? And how is that possible? "You know he was going to do the same thing to you too." what?! Wait, what did she mean..."what do you mean by "was"?" "Remember I said I fought Dust earlier? Well it was for that." She fought Dust so i wouldn't be tortured? "Emerald?" Before I could ask anything else, a voice interrupted me.

Horror pov: "Horror?" Is she in a cell? "What are you doing in a cell?" Cross looked confused as I did."Dust locked the door" "Well Dust was pretty mad from earlier" Cross said while I was trying to open the door. Dust did look pissed off, he wouldn't even let us heal him, the only time he gets this mad is if someone touched his scarf. I finally managed to open the door. "Thanks Horror, I-" "We need to have a talk" I need to know what happened back there, i'm still confused from the fight. All I saw was her fighting Dust and then she summoned a sword out of nowhere. She looked down "yeah....just give me a minute" "Fine, come on Cross"

Emerald pov: I saw as Cross and Horror walked back upstairs. How in the world can they see in this place? Wait, I'm getting distracted. I turned around and took out my green glow stick, now what did Ink say? Give it a spin? Soon enough a portal appeared, wow....I made a portal! "Well here you go buddy, freedom" Abyss only looked at me like I was crazy. "What?! I can't just-" "Do you want to stay here? Then by all means, be my guest. But I'm giving you the chance to leave.....but just a quick heads up this is my first portal and I'm not really sure where it goes. But, anywhere is better than here, right?" "heh, yeah...but what about-" "Dont worry about me. Plus if you want you can do me a favor, don't tell this to Ink or Dream." He looked at me unsure until he sighed a small fine. "Hey, maybe we can chat more, hopefully not in these circumstances again" "Ehh, why not?" After he left the portal closed...Well at least I made a friend today. I left the cell and headed upstairs bumming into a very nervous Horror. "What was that?!" he sort of yelled. I already knew what he was talking about. "I dont know last time I checked i couldn't summon any swords!" "Well maybe its because you're not entirely human anymore, are you?" Cross said. Right...I keep...forgetting that. "She's a freak!" I turned around to see Killer walking while swinging a knife in the air. "Join the club" Of course it would be him. "Now if you don't mind ill be leaving" before i could take a step Nightmare appeared in front of me. "Oh great, the goopy octopus" whoops, didn't mean to say that out loud. Next thing I know I was thrown to a hard wall, with another banging headache, "Now that I have your attention, we are heading out. NOW." Oh no, no no no no! I'm not staying here any longer. "I can't go, I've been gone for who knows how long. Don't you think people will start to wonder where I am?" I asked while trying to get up. "If they were "your friends" then they would have noticed already. They would have known but they haven't, have they? Thats because they don't care." I refuse to listen to him. "I'm not gonna hurt people who don't deserve it" 

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