Chapter 8: Literal Nightmares

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Deep in the snowy forest of Undertale, a portal appeared revealing a skeleton with a broken skull and a human. "You know you could have at least told me you worked for him" The human said tired and slightly angered. The skeleton only apologized in guilt.

Emerald pov: "Im...Im sorry" I could tell Horror really meant it, plus knowing Nightmare who wouldn't be terrified by him. "It's..fine but I do need to go back, okay." I headed toward Snowdin, hoping to see my brother. 'What did I get myself into?' I shouldn't have agreed, or I should at least tell Dream and Ink about it. But......what if he comes after my brother. Should I risk it? "SIS! There you are! You were sleeping, weren't you?" I heard my brother's voice angrily say. I also saw Frisk nearby. "Leo, you know I can't rest-ist a good nap" "Since your an hour late, and for your pun, you're it" He said, still pouting. It's cute to see him try to be so stern. "Fair enough, then you better run before I catch you two!" I started running after them. As they giggled and ran far ahead. Leaving me behind quickly. My brother could run a marathon and still have more energy for the whole day. Guess Frisks the same way. Still no matter how much they run I know where they are......They sorta left a trail of footprints, it's kind of hard to miss it. I followed their trail, until something caught my eye.........It was blood...For some reason a part of me wanted to follow it but another was too suspicious of it. I mean why would there be blood? Wouldn't somebody have noticed by now?..........I'm going to be an idiot doing this. I followed the trail of blood, with the trail getting bloodier. I really don't like where this is going. I continued walking, still debating if this was a good idea until I stopped and stared at what was in front of me. I could feel the coldness more as every noise was shut away. No no no no no, this cant be real. It can't. It just can't! I JUST SAW MY BROTHER! He can't be dead! This can't be, he can't be. Something isn't adding up, it's not real, it's not real. MY BROTHER ISN'T DEAD! HE ISN'T DEAD!

Frisk pov: Leo and I were running away from Emerald, since she was it. 'Hey, she's not chasing us anymore idiot' I ignored the rude comment and looked back. She wasn't behind us anymore. 'Maybe we left her behind' I thought. "She probably fell asleep again or went a bit too fast. She doesn't like to run much." Leo probably saw that I stopped and looked behind. "Should we look for her?" "yeah, its getting late and we have to get back. I'll look back in town. Got your walkie talkie?" I nodded as Leo left for Snowdin town. Chara, do you think she's in trouble? "Well, then she would have a world record for getting in trouble" Chara said a bit annoyed. 'Did you see anything while we were running?' I asked instead "Now that you mention it, she did seem...distracted and stopped running for some reason." What do you mean she stopped and saw something, you didn't even bother telling me!?' "hey, you were running, playing tag remember. The whole point is not getting tagged." True, so I gue- I then heard something nearby. I heard it again. Chara and I looked at where we heard the noise. "Okay....well good luck and try not to die" 'wow, great pep talk' I mentally rolled my eyes while I walked forward. I continued to walk while the noise started a bit louder. It sounded like someone, breathing hard. "Hyperventilating?" yeah, that. I then saw the door to the ruins, and in front of it was Emerald, sitting down.... "Hey Emerald, are you okay?" She didn't say anything, like i'm not even here. I can hear her mumbling something but I can't understand it. "Emerald.." no response. I tried again but nothing happened. I tapped her shoulder to grab her attention. "Emerald" she yelped loudly and backed away. "Oh it's you...sorry" She looked like she was crying.

Emerald pov: So it wasn't real!! I'm so...relieved. So was it an illusion? Or am I starting to hallucinate? What happened? You know what, I don't even care what that is, I just hope I never see that AGAIN. "Are you okay?" Hearing Frisk snapped me out of my thoughts that were starting to overwhelm me. "Umm.. you didn't see anything, right?" "Great, she's starting to lose it" I heard someone say. Was it my own thought? No, it sounded different. I noticed something floating by Frisk. Maybe all of this stress is making me see things. I sighed, whatever it was they weren't lying, I am starting to lose it. "I'm sorry if I worried you Frisk. I -WAIT, was my brother with you?" I just have to make sure he's okay. "He went to Snowdin to look for you" Oh, thank goodness. "Well why don't we head back. We don't want him to worry about us" We found my brother walking around. Eventually we headed back to Sans and Papyrus place to watch a movie.

~Late that night~

It was getting late, Sans and Leo (surprisingly) were asleep while Frisk and Papyrus were watching. I was feeling a bit tired so I told the two I was heading to bed "Night guys" "GOOD NIGHT!" As soon as I lay down I let my eyes close for a well earned slumber.

Where am I? Usually there would be a small hammock here's just a dark empty black void. Sort of like the anti void except without the blinding white light. "Hello again" oh shi-shoot, not him again. I looked around, but I couldn't see him anywhere. "I hope you enjoyed the show" Show? What does he- then it clicked. The blood. "It was you" I stated more than asked. "I would have guessed you had it sooner. But that's enough, why don't we change the scenery a bit." Suddenly we Waterfalls? Usually Waterfalls would be calming and soothing but...something about it felt off. The eerie silence, the water not even running, it just felt wrong. "Go on, Explore" I heard Nightmare's voice echo. The echo flower continued to repeat the word "explore", with the same creepy tone. Making me a bit worried. How is this even possible? I stood still debating. After what felt like hours, I walked around cautiously and wary of anything..Gerson's shop was empty, there were no temmies, there was no gentle wind, just an empty cave. I suddenly heard something. It was a quiet voice. "Help" "S-Some one p-please" Someone is asking for help! I ran toward the weak plea of help. It was MK! And...he was...dusting.... "MK!" I yelled horrified seeing him. He was bleeding a lot and had a deep long slash. I ran towards him but...he backed away. "S-stay away." He started to cry while he curled in a ball. Was he scared of me? "Don't  worry ill go get-" A spear then barely missed my head. I turned around to see MK becoming nothing but dust which flew away.....Mk....... "THERE YOU ARE" I looked up front to see a really irritated Undyne. "WHY! Why are you doing this! How DARE you!" ME?! Doing this?....Did I do this? I could feel myself collapse as I shut my eyes. NO. I would NEVER do this! I would NEVER kill Monster Kid....he..was my friend I...wouldn't. "THIS ISN'T REAL!" Suddenly there was a cold wind, I opened my eyes to see snow and tall trees. Snowdin. And in front was my brother's lifeless body. My legs gave up as I felt tears escaping. I then felt a sharp pain in my back, as I was stabbed. It was Frisk ...."Say hello to your brother for me~" I heard Frisk say as I felt my vision blur. I tried to drag myself closer to my brother. 'At least, i'll be- I felt a jolting pain in my back as I saw Frisk stepping on my hand. I felt myself dragged away from my brother. I couldn't even reach him. "I'll never let you die in peace~" I jolted awake, sweating and gasping for air. was just a nightmare.

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