Chapter 12: New ability

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Dust pov: We were walking to the throne room where the boss was sitting. The brat was still dragging Abyss around until Horror offered to carry it. How the HECK is Horror friends with a weak ass human? I'm still surprised he hasnt eaten her yet. "Finally your back" Boss did not sound happy "Well we would have come sooner if somebody actually helped" There is no way i'm getting punished because of her fault. "I did help, but I'm sorry you're too narrow minded to realize it" I've had ENOUGH of this stupid kid "That's it, you're dead!" "NO...*sigh* Both of you are giving me a headache. Horror send him to the dungeon. You two, STAY." Nightmare ordered. "So why did we capture someone?" Really? "Are you stupid or something?" seriously what did she think was gonna happen? "Sharing the same fate as you" That made her finally shut up. "Dust" I looked toward the boss to see what he wanted. "Fight " "What?" "Finally some action" I summoned some bones but she dodged away. "He may be a jerk and a pain in the back but I'm not gonna attack him" I just continued to summon more bone attacks.

Emerald pov: I dodged another wave of attacks "Why not? Didnt he try to kill your brother?" Images and thoughts started to flash in my head. I then felt a sudden pain in my shoulder. Shoot. "Bet i can beat this weak kid in five minutes" As if he can, but in this situation he could. Wait, bet?.... "Let's make a deal. If I fight and win I'm keeping Abyss" What Nightmare said earlier, I don't want it to happen to anyone else....It's terrible. "You do realize that you're just torturing yourself now" I know what i was doing, it was really stupid but.... "Deal or not?" "...fine" I he isnt going to do it but all I need to do is live, then i can save him later. I looked toward Dust and took out the bone from my shoulder. It hurts like hell but at least I have a weapon. Dust smirked. He then summoned a giant skeleton dragon head. WHAT THE HELL! It then started blasting. I barely dodged..and the was scorched. You could still see steam coming off! "First time seeing a blaster? Dont worry youll see a lot of them" He the summoned more of them, but smaller than before. He fired but missed. He then teleported and summoned bones toward me. I'll admit he's pretty fast and a good fighter but he's wasting a lot of his energy right away. I remember Undyne said something about a monsters energy limit. Maybe i could use that against him? I dodged another attack, while taking note of his fighting pattern "Stop dodging and fight already!" Dust yelled. Suddenly my soul appeared and turned blue. The air started to feel heavier. I had to force my body to just stand. "Its blue magic makes you an easier target" I barely dodged a bone. This is going to be a bit more challenging. Suddenly thoughts and images started becoming more vivid. "Really? Right now?" I shouted at the goopy octopus I looked back to the fight and smacked Dust away from me. I felt a stinging pain as a bone slashed my cheek. "What's wrong powder, tired?" "Dont call me that!" He summoned a a blaster. I couldn't dodge in time. "Still alive? Guess your ok...for a girl" "THAT'S IT!" I went forward and started attacking nonstop. He dodged leaving me an open space and pinning him to the ground. "What the hell was that?" "Dust!" I snapped from my anger and saw Dust's face. "Dust you good?" Killer asked, dropping popcorn. Wait, were the others just watching us fight the whole time? Wait what am i doing and what am i holding?! "Shoot, are you okay? Who the heck gave me a sword?!" The sword was glowing green with small jagged spikes at the end and a ragged cloth on the grip. Not gonna lie it looked cool but when did I get it? " summoned one" Horror said while helping Dust up. I summoned the sword?! "But I can't use magic. Can i?" I looked at the sword in my hand until it disappeared. How did I not notice what I was doing? I almost hurted Dust. i mean yeah he was a jerk but ...."Well im gonna... Im gonna go to the dungeon..since...i won" i quickly left before anyone could say anything. 

This is what Emerald's sword looks like in case you wanted to know,  it took me a while to do this

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This is what Emerald's sword looks like in case you wanted to know,  it took me a while to do this .  Since magic reflects your inner self, I tried my best to do exactly that. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a nice day/night!

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