Chapter 15: Rescue Mission

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Dream Pov: " Abyss what's happened? Why do you have bandages?" I asked, a bit worried. I have met Abyss before during a visit to the Omega Timeline and we do talk when I visit. Ink has met Abyss before I did. "I'm fine, I escaped from Nightmares castle" Nightmares castle? "How?" brother escaping it would be very difficult, he always has everything planned out somehow. "That's actually why I came" What does he mean by that? "Someone named Emerald helped me" ".....WHAT?!" That would explain....a lot. That would explain how she knew the au was being attacked and why she's been negatively lately.

Ink pov: is Emerald working for Nightmare?! I didn't expect that. I felt a slight pain through my head, giving me a sudden headache. That means an au is being attacked! "Dream I think an au is being attacked" Dream looked and nodded at me, opening a portal. "Wait, I'm coming. If Emerald is with them then i want to help" "I dont think its-" "I'm coming to!" Blue interrupted me. "I'm also coming" Red also joined in and actually left in the portal. Well guess they're going too.

Emerald pov: I barely dodged a bone. "I said I'm not gonna kill anyone!" I ran dodging tentacles, flying bones, knives, and an axe. It's five against one, this is hardly a fair fight. "You know you can't protect everybody, there's always decisions in which a life is at risk" I didn't say anything and continued dodging. "You know deep down inside i'm right" He isn't wrong but...Ill do anything to protect those i care about! I dodged Horrors axe. For a minute I saw Dust who was still wounded. He was a jerk but in the end he was only protecting himself I felt a sudden pain in my leg. Shoot, a bone hit me but I don't have enough time to take it off if they keep attacking! I kept trying to dodge until a tentacle grabbed me. Shoot. "You know, i sense a lot of doubt coming from you" I tried struggling free but it only got tighter. "Hmmm I've been wondering something about you" "Oh my what is it." I can feel it getting tighter. It's starting to suffocate. "You're useless" "Oh like I'll believe a talking goopy octopus" He threw me, making me hit a tree trunk. T-That hurted a b-bit. Before I could stand I was grabbed by Nightmare again. "It's not me telling you this. You're the one that believes this" What...what does- "You hate humans don't you?" I stood quiet "And? Everyone hates them" Where...where was he going with this? "You blame them for that incident dont you?" I-I how does he know about that?! "H-how-" "You hate them for their nature, you blame them.....but you also blame yourself" I stopped trying to escape and stood still "If you were stronger you could have done something, if weren't as useless and pathetic you could have save them, but you couldn't" I could feel tears trying to escape, i started to remember.....NO! I have to get out here. I need to get out Now!

Classic pov: Getting out of the portal I saw Nightmare holding Emerald. She looked like she was crying. It....its the first time I've seen her like that. "Brother!" Nightmare and the others looked at us. "Oh great it's you" Nightmare dropped Emerald, but she didn't move. She didn't try to escape. Something happened. I tried going to her but a knife stopped me. Guess someone is gonna have a bad time.

Emerald pov: I could hear fighting but I was too distracted in my own world to care. What if I could have saved them? I just wasn't strong enough. It's my fault, it was all my fault! My face felt wet and all I could feel was the cold snow underneath me. They're gone, They really are gone. They- I heard someone scream in pain "Blue are you okay?" C-Classic? Is he here? I turned around to see Classic and Red helping Blue. Ink and Dream were fighting the others. But there was an opening....and Killer noticed it too. No! I won't let anyone hurt my friends again. I will NOT lose anyone again. I PROMISE until I die I'll protect those that I care about. I could feel something in my hand as I charged toward Killer. I AM NOT GONNA FUCKING LOSE ANYONE ELSE!" 

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