Chapter 11: Mission

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Emerald pov: Ink left me back where I was in Undertale, since he needed to check something. Before I knew it he came back. "Sooo I checked and....turns out Nightmare may have caused some damage in one" Ink explained. I couldn't help but feel guilty. It was my fault that this happened. Maybe if i did something differently no one would be hurt. "Hey, don't worry. I can fix it later." But it is my fault... If i wasn't so tired and weak this wouldn't happen. I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted a break. I felt a green light blind me a bit in front of me. I looked up to see Ink holding a..glow stick? "Here, have this. I'm sure it'll brighten your day!" I let a small laugh escape me. "Was that a pun?" I took the glow stick and thanked him before he prepared a portal. Before he was leaving he stopped? "Oh right! Just give that a spin and you'll be able to visit any au!" Wait, so it isn't just a glow stick? "But why?" He stayed quiet for a moment as his pupils kept changing. "Well I just realized that you can't teleport like everyone else and Dream told me you've been bummed out lately. I then remembered that you really enjoyed Outertale. Now you can visit it whenever you like!! Or any other au and you can even visit me and Dream later!" Dream noticed....and Ink gave me this? I didn't really expect this, I wouldn't even expect Ink to remember that visit to Outertale. It happened like a month ago, and with Ink's memory problem.... "Sure, thanks Ink" We said our goodbyes and he left. I was on my way back home until "Hey there buddy. Where are you going~" A glowing target was all needed to see. Great, just great. "What are you doing here? I asked, clearly annoyed. "Well I just came back from a killing spree and wanted to see you" Hearing that made me even more guilty. "Just...tell me why your here." He couldnt be here for just a visit, there is no reason to. "Boss wants to talk" Didn't he already ruin my life? What's next my sanity?! "And if I dont want to?" What does Nightmare even want? "You dont really have a choice" "....*sigh* fine then, but don't let the knife get any closer to me" I warned him. "Can't promise that~" I headed towards him to be teleported to the dark gloomy castle again. "So what do you want?" In the middle was the goopy octopus himself, along with his followers at the side of him. "I just wanted to congratulate you for reminding me. Your words inspired me." He said, smiling disturbingly. Of course he would say something like that. "Just get to the point" "What's wrong? You don't care about the aus anymore, your 'friends?'" 'No I just don't want to help a selfish weak octopus like you!' I wanted to say but decided to keep quiet. "You're going to help these four idiots capture a nuisance." Huh, I wonder who this nuisance is? They definitely have guts to annoy Nightmare's gang and escape. "And...what if I don't want to?" I dared to ask. Nightmare only glared at me closely. "Then someone will be begging for death" I stood still, trying to push my fear away. "This better be quick" I walked toward the others who were gathered in the center. "Augh, do we have to take her?" Dust said hating this idea as much as I do. "Boss said so" Killer shrugged "Fine, but don't get in my way, weak brat" "As long as you don't, jerk" Before he could do anything we teleported, to an empty white void. "Boss said Abyss should be here" Horror said. "Who's Abyss?" I dont think ive met anyone named Abyss before. "The person we have to capture, idiot" What the- "WHAT DID-" "Calm down, he just wants to annoy you" Cross said. Cross seems different from the others, he's nicer and more calm. At least from what I've seen, it's better if I stay on good terms. "Oh it's you 4 again" Wait, who was that? I looked up to see a small fluffy winged Sans.

Abyss pov: I heard some arguing, so I knew someone came in here. I just wish it wasn't these guys. "Five" Wait, who was that? It sounded very different from the others. I decided to look down to see... a human child? "By the way, cool wings you got" She shouted back. Wait, what is going on? "Umm...thanks? I'm sorry, did you ask a kid to help you?" Oh this is hilarious. "Hey, the name's Emerald and you must be Abyss, right?" They asked. Before I could say anything one of them yelled "No talking to the prisoner" "Come on Horror, I was just making sure he was the right guy" "Who cares if he wasn't, more XP for me" Wow, that was rude. I saw Dust summoning his magic while Killer headed straight towards me. Luckily, I dodged in time. I got to find a way out of here.

Emerald pov: I saw as Horror, Dust, Killer, and Cross were attacking. However Abyss seemed to be dodging every one of their attacks..which seems reasonable enough, he does have the higher ground...literally. While Dust summoned his blasters and Cross his knives, Killer and Horror used close combat. Mostly attacking with their axe and knife. Abyss then summoned his own blasters and created crystals to fight back. "Hey twerp, are you gonna fight or stay useless in the corner." Dust yelled. "I dont help jerks like you" Dust would be attacking me if he wasn't busy "Boss wouldn't be too happy about this" Killer yelled. And when is Nightmare even happy? "He wants me to be bad, fine then. Disobedient and being disrespectful are the same thing. Plus what do you want me to do? How is someone unarmed gonna fight someone who can literally create magical crystals and blasters?!" "Kid has a point" Abyss dodged another attack. "Thank you" FINALLY someone who can think. not doing "nothing", theres different ways of fighting.

~small time skip (10 min.)~

Ten minutes of fighting and Cross and Killer are wounded. Horror is tired and Dust is in the ground. Guess it's my turn. I decided to wait until the perfect time. Before Abyss could leave, I stopped him. "Wow, that was an intense fight. Nice skills" "umm thanks? I guess" "Look, I'm sorry for all this. It really wasn't my intention, hard feelings right?" Before he could react I used my tail to slam him to the ground, hard enough to leave him unconscious. "YOU COULDN'T DO THAT SOONER!!" "Horror, buddy, it's called the element of surprise for a reason." I simply said dragging the short unconscious skeleton. "Now let's go, it's late and I'm starving" We teleported back to the castle, most of us wounded or tired. 

 (Sorry I haven't updated soon. School has started so updates will be a little bit slower. Also thank you so much for all the reads. It's almost to 100, I wouldn't think anyone would read my stories and I didn't even plan on writing them. But thank you for reading still, have a great day/night/evening!) ^>^

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