The Funeral

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I have done everything I can and as much as Jose Jr wanted to help with every detail, I couldn't allow it because I need to keep the friend line intact with him. He has crossed it in too many ways and times and I haven't given him any encouragement at all. I spoke to Jose Sr and my dad has spoke to both of them and set things straight that I will never want more than friendship from him. It took mom telling him to stop him at least for a while. He is now using my parents death to try to get more yet again, I held it together as they did the twenty one gun salute and the missing plane fly over for my dad. When I got the flag I broke down. I felt arms around me but I bucked up and threw the rose onto the caskets and I left for home and alone in my dad's truck. The car was the one they were driving in. It was their first new car in years. It was destroyed in the crash, investigators are still working on the details of the accident. Something about it just doesn't add up. It was like someone was waiting for them. Make all the calls and handle all their business and I need to find a buyer for the woodworking shop. I don't need it and I really don't want to stay in Montesano because of Jose jr. I know that if I stay there I will just have to deal with Jose Jr. And distance from him is always good. At this point we are barely friends.

Jose jr
She just got up and left with the flag and said nothing to anyone. Dad said to let her grieve and she will be okay. I feel that she needs me and this is a good time to show her that. I am held back from following her by my dad.

Jose sr.
Anastasia called me to let me know she has been contacted about selling the house and the woodworking company and all it's tools. I tell her to get an appraiser in to get an accurate monetary number of the value of the company, tools and the house.

I am going through all the paperwork in dads office and I go into the safe and start going through things there. The wills are there and the attorneys name as well. So I need to go through everything and make sure that it is all here. I look at their cell phones that somehow escaped damage from the wreck. The phones started ringing again and I go to answer them. It is the insurance company of the owner of the car. Apparently the car had been stolen and they want to talk about a settlement. I tell them that my attorney is going to handle it. Then I have someone wanting to talk about selling my parents property. The offer they made was a pittance. The vultures are out there and they are trying to prey on me. I look at my dads gun collection and I know who would give me a fair price for it because he was a good friend to our family. I call him and ask him and he tells me he will definitely buy them for close to their value but he needs the gun safe and he will move it. That I can do, I can't move that safe. Mom was pretty mad about that purchase because it was ugly and expensive, but it kept the gun collection safe when robbers tried to get his gun collection. They couldn't break into it.

Jose Jr
I try to talk Anastasia to stay in Montesano but she's adamant on moving away from here because she needs to move on. There are too many memories of her parents and she can't live in the past. I told her that I had hoped we might have a future and she told me that she would always be my friend, but nothing more and if that wasn't enough then would understand if I didn't want to talk to her again. I got angry and leave her house. Dad is waiting for me and told me that I just ended a good friendship because of my selfishness. Anastasia called him before I got home.

Jose Sr.
I tell Jose jr that Anastasia is grieving and with everything her and her parents have been put through in the last five years he should cut her some slack. Especially now that she has no family left in the world. He at least has me and did have Anastasia until he got it in his head that they should be married. I have seen his photo collections of her and I made him see someone that can help him with obsession with her. I need to get a better doctor and soon. I am thinking he might need hospitalization. I need to warn Anastasia about his obsession and show her his photo collections of her before she leaves for wherever. It's best she doesn't tell me or Jose Jr. Where she is headed to. When she left for London I caught Jose Jr trying to use my credit card to book a flight as well. He visited her in prison and I think he liked he could find her there even though he knew she was set up. I call a friend who can talk reason into Jose Jr. I am going to get him into a psychiatric hospital. I start taking photos of everything and I then show his therapist.

Jose Jr.
Dad was in my room again and he looks guilty and he tells me that he's talked to a friend about my obsession with Anastasia and he has started the process of getting me into a hospital and I hear something and he apparently has already had them come to pick me up. I can't look him in the eyes. He tells me that my obsession with Anastasia has gone on for way too long because now I'm trying to keep her from moving away from Montesano. He shows me where I have been sabotaging the sales of her property.

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