On Line Vlog

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I can't believe what I am seeing here and I know I need to take it down immediately and assure the culprit doesn't get it back up. I found out who it was and I make sure she can't use her computer because I gave her a virus. I am looking at the security videos from the shooting and she told him that she wouldn't hesitate to kill him after what he did to her and especially her parents. They had a double laying in the hospital bed in a guarded room hoping he would take the bait. He got scared and started running around and somehow managed to walk into the right room. Anastasia had the gun posed for action, she just needed him to try something and then she could shoot him in self defense. She did that very thing and she wasn't charged for shooting him. I send them all the views of the shooting that we have. It is obvious she warned him to put her back down and he wouldn't. She's not going like being shown for who she really is. Kate Kavanagh should try using facts in what she releases.

The cops have been questioning us about Jose Jr. Kate Kavanagh has something to do with it. Barney did some damage to her computer. The videos were enough to prove that she was being taken without her permission. He was an escaped killer who was obsessed with her. Soon they had everything they needed to drop all charges, it was Kate Kavanagh trying to put Anastasia behind bars. It isn't the first time she's tried this. Jose Rodriquez sr was found dead in his place in Montesano after they discovered Jose jr had escaped from prison. Apparently Jose Sr left everything to Anastasia and she now has to bury both Jose Sr. and Jose jr.  Everything was paid for by Jose Sr. She had to go see the attorney and I went with her. The funeral was big and she was recognized and a few knew what had happened to her parents and then what she did to Jose jr.  A few had some choice words for her and others knew the whole story. Security was very tight around us. We had someone go through everything and catalogue things. She had no idea how much the Rodriquez family was worth and was surprised at the insurance policies. The attorney was kind of an ass to her as well.

I can't believe my computer died and I had to replace it. They couldn't fix it because of the kind of virus I got. I was hoping to find out how my vlog was taken down. I need to make sure Anastasia Steele goes to jail again, but this time for good. I recall Jose jr. drooling all over Anastasia when he visited our dorm room. Then I start thinking that the guy was a photographer and he was freelance. She had him in the friend zone. Something was so very strange about him. A number of girls wanted to go out with him but he refused to.

I told the guys off about not stationing someone inside mrs Greys room just in case. It was a very bad move. She could have been taken or killed by him. She did very well and Ray taught her how to handle herself. We were impressed by her ability to remain calm in any situation. Mr Grey definitely was angry and had a long loud conversation about how this was handled. He fired two people who were supposed to be with mrs Grey at all times.

Kate is really trying my patience and her inability to realize she's just digging the hole deeper for herself will cause her to find it hard to work period. She's been out to get me since I reported her to the dean due to her activities and inactivities and her slovenly ways everywhere. They told her to get it cleaned and keep it cleaned. She then told me she was going to make my life hell, I told her living in the same dorm room with her was already hell. That did it, she found out I wasn't easily attacked. She ended up lying in a pile of her own filth. I called to get a new dorm room and they got me one without anyone. They got her one that was worse than her. Eventually they had to hire cleaners for the room out of their own pockets. Jose jr. was still recording things but for other reasons. So she has hated me since then. I don't think they ever found those cameras. If they did, they didn't inform anyone about them. Probably because they could be sued. Two security staff were fired, but they were rehired at my insistence but they now work with the people who create the security badges for a punishment.

I found out that Kate Kavanagh was pushing for Anastasia to be arrested for murder in a vlog she posted and I was livid. It hasn't been the first time she has done this to Anastasia and I found out what was behind her hatred of Anastasia. They were dorm mates in college and it went badly. I had enough evidence to clear Anastasia of all charges and I had a word with miss Kavanagh about harassing my client and my daughter in law. I told her she has already crossed legal lines and could be taken to court and possibly face criminal charges and be put behind bars. I tell her that I have enough on her to file the charges and that she needs to stop now. I am not going to tell her we have enough to prove her involvement with trying to help Jose Jr. find and take Anastasia and her child. We don't yet, but she will try to hide the evidence if she is the person who told and helped him try to kidnap Anastasia and Theodore just after they were taken to the hospital. She knew him by sight and he knew her as well. She also knew that he had killed Anastasia's parents and she hated him, but he was crazy and crazy in love with Anastasia.

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