Not What They Seem

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Douglas Underwood
I am in handcuffs along with my friends and my security. My wife is not happy about this because she can't watch anymore. They find all the videos on her laptop and they recognize several of the missing girls. They find the burner phone and transactions from my accounts. The other men are trying to pin everything on me and my wife.

Darlene Underwood
I knew this was too good to be true getting Gia Matteo as a slave. I am not sure if we will get out of this again. She had a camera and it had audio. I told him not to risk it and I was right. When I found out that she was having problems getting Gia to respond to her calls I knew something was wrong with her finally getting back to her. Douglas is an idiot. Colleen is going to have a horrible time once this hits the papers.

Mrs Elena Lincoln
I am in my home and someone is pounding on my door. I have to leave my pet and go answer the door. I walk past my other three pets and see that they are waiting to obey my every word, well Richard isn't going to obey anything. He made a huge mistake of coming down to my basement. He's been in the cage since the Coping Together Gala. I drugged him and threw him into the cage. I open the door and FBI agents are coming inside one guy shows me the warrants to search all my properties and all my husbands properties as well. They don't take long to gather evidence, safes, safe deposit keys. All my stashes of money, usb drives hard drives, laptops my burner phones and my phone. They call ambulances for my husband and my pets. They keep bringing in people to clear everything out they have already hit all our businesses. They have someone getting into my laptop and they are finding it all. They take me out in cuffs and I am put in the back of a car with a woman who has a FBI jacket on it. Soon I am being driven to an FBI facility. I see the Underwoods and they are in cuffs too. I am soon taken to the interrogation room.

FBI Agent Sal Brooks
I swear these three should be placed in front of their victims and hurt them in the way they hurt their victims. We did solve the case of the missing Lincoln husband. He was put in the ICU and is being guarded 24/7. The others were just teens who were reported missing from school. She liked them young. We called their parents after we were able to identify them all. We found a lot more videos of mrs Lincoln and the boys in sexual activity of all kinds. They are in the ICU as well. Gia had no idea what was going on. We soon find out that a current patient was brutally beaten by mrs Lincoln as well, he is under her control as well. We have him guarded and need to interview him as well.

My new name is Barbara Moore, I am being sent to Indiana of all places. I can't contact anyone from my old life. My first day in Indiana I met James Miller. We hit it off right away and he asked me to marry him. I told him that we couldn't have children because of something that happened to me and I told him no more. He said he could deal with it and we could adopt if I wanted to. I told him only if he wanted kids, he told me he could live without them if I could. We agreed to no children. We got married and I discovered that he has enough money to live very comfortably for a few lifetimes.

James Miller
I look like a farmer and I work like one, but I am not a farmer. I am a stock broker and I have a lot of money. When I literally bumped into Barbara Moore I was filthy and her outfit was ruined, she laughed as she dusted her clothes off and told me it wasn't the worst thing to happen to her and probably never will be. We had lunch, then dinner and we were together from that day on. We married at the courthouse and had a short honeymoon.

Colleen Underwood
I can't believe the amount of paparazzi that are outside my apartment and I can't watch the tv without seeing my parents and photos of them in intimate scenes. Of course they have the x parts blacked out. It is clearly them. I can't access their home or anything else. Now I have to go back to work. But no one will hire me. I mean who wants to hire their daughter. My apartment was searched thoroughly and they found nothing. The attorneys are trying to get paid, but I have no money at all.

I can't believe the hell that broke loose. Who would have thought a human trafficking ring existed here and the head of it all ran beauty salons and found her victims there. It was a good cover for her, but the boys were another matter. We needed a score card of who was following who and who they worked for. There were undercover cops, FBI and private detectives who were hire by family members. It was like a huge parade of cars and trucks and a bus at one point. I watched Colleen try to leave her apartment and just as she was trying to get into her car shots rang out. I call Jason and head into the crowd and find three victims and 911 has been called and they hit miss Underwood between the eyes, the others were shot in different places but they were both dead, someone was going for the kill shot. The paparazzi were taking pictures and not clearing the way for the police.

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