International News

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I can't believe that I was friends with them. I knew Elena was trouble though, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I guess evil people can hide behind a mask and fool a lot of people. They walk among us all the time. I am glad that Christian got rid of Colleen because it definitely would have caused him problems with his company if he was associated with her and her parents. Carrick said that she thought they were getting married via an arranged marriage made by us and her parents. She apparently had her father call Carrick and he set Douglas right. We would never arrange a marriage for anyone especially our children.

I am not happy that these people even knew us personally. They are digging into even people who  just met them. We didn't know them well at all. We found out way too much about them and I guess someone shot and killed Colleen and two others, whoever it was knew their stuff and all three were kill shots. Not more than three shots were taken and all killed their targets. The newspaper reported on everything and it was on every front page. The tabloids were worse than the newspapers and the tv reports were reminiscent of the young lady that was wrongly convicted and spent a month in prison until they overturned the verdict because they discovered new evidence that had been found and the person who took it. She's in prison now. The news outlets had to print apologies for the same amount of time they printed the negative news about her. She won law suits and disappeared after that.

After Sawyer called Jason he made his way back to GEH and the security office. I am glad that I did have her removed from my office. She was delusional about us marrying and having a child. Her biological clock ticking indeed. The cops found photos of me in her apartment and questioned me about them, they soon found out she had screws loose and the photos didn't have me in them.

I can't believe that Colleen is dead and her parents are behind bars. I always thought something was off about all of them. I was happy Christian had her threw out and then followed. They haven't caught her killer yet. They can't find anything to determine where the shots came from or anyone who saw anything. The press was so thick they couldn't get through to look for any evidence. They can't figure out what kind of gun that was fired. That's the information that I got.

Things happen here in Seattle, I could create characters and stories just by being here. I am reading all the news articles and I am amazed at the fact that they are not telling the whole story. I am betting on it. They might have some idea who is involved and don't want to alert them to it. Hmm I decide to start a new book and just keep it simple. No reading the news that way it doesn't bleed into my work. I recall dad talking about snipers and decide a woman sniper who is working for our government and is a career woman who looks like a normal person.

Things don't look right and the two people who were killed were not even press, it was like they were waiting there for Colleen. Their names weren't released and no one in the press recognized them at all. That's all anyone could get from the police before the FBI came and took over the case. So they are closing ranks and arrests are still being made. Victims are coming out of the woodwork. Some of them were from the Coping Together movement somehow they got the list of the people they were helping. It's just wrong that they were able to get a list and apparently Colleen Underwood was the one who got a list for them. It was found on her computer. It wasn't the only list she had either. The two people who were going after Colleen were trying to keep her quiet. They were going to kill her to keep her quiet about them asking for these lists. The cops started looking at the victims against the lists she had and sent the two that killed her. Colleen was in a position to get a lot of lists.

I think I saw a woman just before they were killed, but it was so fast that I couldn't be sure what I saw. No matter what happened I can't help anyone identify her and I just see a blur. Maybe it was a female flash. A friend of mine said the bullets have no prints and are hand made. Whoever it is knew that all three would be there that day or just got lucky. Not once did the FBI look at their involvement into this case until they were killed.

We started going through the lists and gave them to the FBI and they found something. We have to start looking deeper into the families we help. We aren't the only group who were affected by this. It is expected that people are going to try to take advantage, but they were also from the same address but not the same names. The FBI found this by looking at all the list. We didn't have access to any of the list. They questioned us about it and each of the other head of the various charities.

We are questioned over and over again until they found out that there were only three people who had access to all the lists. Things are going to change in regards to the different charities, we are going to share the lists. It will prevent this kind of thing happening again. We were trying to help people who needed it. Instead we had someone who used us to get list of people who were unable to protect themselves.

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