Gretchen Saves Herself

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I tell them everything about Kate and Jose Jr. and their friendship and how she helped him to escape and brought him to Seattle to get Anastasia Steele Grey out of everyone's life. She was using me to get information from the Greys and gave me a place to stay and she provided me room and board as long as I kept her place cleaned. I didn't know it would take an army to clean up after the tornado that whirls daily through the recently sorted spaces. I tell them that I just followed their instructions and didn't know what they were doing exactly. After she said she spotted Jose Jr. outside of GEH I got suspicious and started to try listening or looking for evidence in her piles of clutter and I kept the evidence for use later. My freedom for my evidence and testimony. They gave me probation and community service as long as I wasn't actually playing a roll in getting rid of Anastasia and her baby. They were still digging.

Derrick told me they are talking to Gretchen and they are about to make a deal and he is sure she's going to take it. They tried to get me to tell them what the keys were to that were on my key ring, but I wouldn't tell them that they are keys to the Lincoln house. I bought it when it went up for auction. I thought it might come in handy. But I didn't use my real name on it. My trust fund was cut in half after buying it. I wore a disguise to buy it. It was perfect to hide Jose jr until I saw an opportunity to get to Anastasia and I did. Her giving birth was perfect. Both baby and Anastasia were going to be gone and Jose Jr. actually believed they were his to rescue. I think we screwed up somewhere. With Jose gone it is my word against Gretchen's and I will throw her under the bus. I have a great attorney and she has a public defender. She's basically going to be at the mercy of the court. My attorney is either naive, stupid, just doesn't give a crap about my guilt or innocence, or just being paid to defend me and knows that I am guilty as hell and I am lying about everything and he knows it and doesn't want to hear that I am guilty and just realizes that I have not told him the truth about anything. I writes about everything and takes notes. Mom and dad have visited me and so has Ethan. Ethan told me that he knows that my victims are not just Gretchen, but him, and everyone else. This started at an early age and it had nothing to do with how I was raised. My environment had nothing to do with who I was because I was born like this. They tried the psychological testing and it said the same thing.

As I sit here and Kate rambles on about how she should be released soon, I pray she isn't released. I saw the Lincoln house photos. Who didn't. That torture room was left intact except the tools that were used as evidence. The things that were built into the place were left. Kate was the winner of the auctions of the house and another building. She apparently had Gretchen go clean at the place and forgot about it. So guess what Gretchen used that information to leverage her deal. They found evidence of Jose Jrs. Plans to grab Anastasia and her baby and keep them. A baby bed and all that was needed to keep Anastasia hostage for life. Apparently Kate had no idea or she says she didn't have one about him killing his father. There were photos from the murder scene found and photos of a very pregnant Anastasia. With a high powered telephoto lens he didn't need to get close up. Kate knew he was a killer and still helped him. I decided to tell her that no one told her about his hidden cameras catching everything going on in her and Anastasia's dorm room on videotape. And I mean everything. I had friends that were involved in the trial in Montesano. A psychiatrist that has been brought in on many criminal cases you know things. You hear things and I was given a heads up, so was the university. They took them out under guise of remodeling the dorm room.

The things you find out about your clients can be alarming. The pretty package contains pure evil. No one wants to testify about her being a good person and would never do something like this. They do want to testify to assure she lives her life behind bars. I have tried to get her to plead guilty, but she refuses thinking she will be found not guilty.

After two weeks of questioning, objecting and evidence being shown and trying to refute Gretchen's claims we finally hear the guilty verdicts. She's going to be serving a life sentence and possibility of parole in 25 years. We filed an appeal. I turned the appeal over to someone else in my office to handle. Gretchen and I started dating after I was no longer Kate's attorney. We are still keeping it under wraps. She found another job and I see her in her tiny apartment. She's in therapy now and has community service and a probation officer. She has a year of probation and three hundred hours of community service. The couple who hired her knows everything about her and has no problem having her work for them. They met her at the Grey home. She also came clean about being obsessed with the Grey sons. They said they knew, but hoped she would be honest about it. So they helped find her the small apartment and found her a car to get her back and forth. They are wealthy and couldn't have children so she was welcomed into their home as a servant and companion.

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