Best Dates Ever

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I have had the best time with Delilah and Charlie, we have went in dates alone and dates with Charlie and spent time with both families. Our first date was great and I kissed her at her door and asked her for another date. She agreed to it and we have been seeing each other everyday since we met each other. I definitely want to marry this girl.

Mom and dad love Elliott and so does Charlie. I hope I do to, I hope it isn't that I am just rebounding and think it's love. I soon find my self thinking if him all the time. I want him to marry me and adopt Charlie.  Charlie's dad was killed in a car wreck before I could tell him of my pregnancy. My family loves him. Evan is dating Mia and has since he met her. I am sure that we are going to have sex soon so I am getting my shot updated and all my blood tests to make sure I'm clean after my idiot fiancé. I am getting used to my job as CFO now. I had to fire a couple of employees because of their poor performance and attitudes. When it was announced I had the job the second in command tried to say I was hired for my looks. That didn't go over well with Roz or Christian and he was let know that the next time he or anyone said that they would be fired. Elliott asked me to spend the weekend at his home and bring Charlie. Charlie was all for it. So were my parents.

Charlie and I decided it is time for me to marry his mommy. So I have everything planned out and the rings are ready and I am ready to adopt Charlie if she says yes. We haven't even had sex, we have talked children and we want more of them. GEH has great benefits and child care.  Both have their suitcases ready for me to put in my new minivan with the new car seat for Charlie. We get to my home and I enter the codes and security followed up inside the gates and I take the bags into the house and I place her bags in the guest room next to mine so she knows that I am not expecting her to have sex with me. I then open the room I had designed for Charlie. I go to the living room where I had them wait for me. I asked her father for his blessings to marry her and he gave them to me. Evan and Mia are really enjoying their time together. We hardly see them except at family brunch. Christian is smiling all the time and I am betting so is Anastasia.

Mia and I really hit it off and we ended up at my place. We enjoyed each others bodies all night long and into the next day. Both of us were called in to work and had to go. She had to go to her place to get changed and showered, well showered first. We have been going to her or my place since we met. The sex is mind blowing. I am just now thinking that she is it for me. We don't have very much time and I ask her to marry me at the courthouse. Big weddings are not for us. We got the license privately and asked a judge to marry us. She wore white scrubs lol. A Daisy in her hand we asked for it from the receptionist who had them on her desk. We took a photo of our wedding and kissed, she threw the daisy to a witness. We left for work.

Mia Grey Henderson
I can't believe we are married. But the license says it clear as day. My rings are beautiful and they match his band. We kiss goodbye and go back to our cars security helps me inside my car. Soon flashes are going off and I just know that I should have had them sign NDAs. It was going to get out anyway, why not now. I am driven to the ER and let out and security has made room for me to enter the er. I get washed up for the surgery and look at the patients and I treat them and have them prepped for surgery. After three surgeries I walk out and see mom waiting for me.

Did you get married at the courthouse? She nods her head and tells me that a big wedding with her work schedule and Evans was impossible so they decided to get married at the courthouse and a judge performed the ceremony. I hug her and tell her she has to tell her brothers and her dad. Hell they probably already know if I do.

I have been surrounded by security guards now and I have to try to make it home. Jason is not happy with me. I should have flown to Vegas and got married. Soon the paparazzi are slowing down and I can move in with Evan. Evan had his home updated in the latest security systems and a security office and he now has a CPO.

I love Mia, but I hate this media frenzy. We should have went to her and my family and planned this out. Security was a nightmare and my home had to be updated and quickly, billionaires can get things done very fast and they had things done in a week. We are finally free of the crowds of press. Apparently Kate Kavanagh was at the courthouse and spotted Mia and I getting married and she got the first wedding pictures. They were posted on her dads website and she got paid very well for them. No one else had them so she made a lot of cash from them. We can't do anything about it since we were in public. My parents are thrilled, but they wanted at least one of us to have a big wedding.

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