A New Book

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Anastasia got her first book of a three book series about a female sniper. The loneliness and fear of getting caught were amazing. It is hard for the characters. The main character has no real connections with other people and they have tried. I am not sure how this book will go over but it will appeal to women readers. We hired her as an editor of on line editing. Mia and mom read her books as soon as they come out. Both are doctors even though Mia is a plastic surgeon who has had patients that are now behind bars now. She apparently did things for mrs Lincoln, somehow it got out and Mia said nothing to the press. She takes pride in assuring her patients privacy. She had the cops arrest the press. Most people don't even know Mia is a surgeon. Mom is pretty happy that she followed her into medicine.

There was another book that came out before the one about the sniper. It looks like it is a series about this young woman. I read the other book and asked Anastasia to sign it for me. We have had lunch and of course Christian seems to find us sometimes. I swear he has her lo jacked. Because he never has lunch with me and anyone else. Then I spotted a covert on her and he admitted to having one on her, but it didn't fit the description he gave me. This one was more military and probably still in the military. I can usually tell Christian's men or women working covertly, this guy isn't one of his guys. Anastasia seems oblivious to his presence unless she already knows he is there. Coverts are usually not so obvious so he must be her CPO. Christian denies he has a CPO on her, but coverts he doesn't deny having on her after the Colleen debacle.

Mia was right Christian showed up at our lunch when Anastasia was invited. I had no idea she lived so close to us in a small home that was for sale for a long time. We had no idea who bought it, but she definitely fixed all the problems it had and then moved in. It had security gates and fences put up and a keypad entry. It looked like it had cameras everywhere, now I understand why, after finding out who lives there. She's the author of the books we read. Not many know where she lives and she wants it kept that way. Carrick told me about what happened to her when she last lived in Seattle and I was sad for her. He ask me to keep quiet about it. I did and will.

I have no idea how I keep accepting lunch invitations with Mia Grey and today she brought her mother. Her brother the owner of the company that I work for joined us for lunch again. Christian and I think his mom is trying to set us up. I am enjoying seeing him squirm. Mia is joining the party and what do you know two good looking men join us. Elliott and Carrick Grey, I ask if there are any other family members that I should meet? Grace tells me they are all here. Lunch was very amusing and I am invited to Sunday brunch. I agree to join them, I can walk to their home. If need be I can run home from there. They seem nice but so do serial killers at first. Catch more people that way. Hmm maybe I should write a book on a female serial killer. Okay someone asked me a question again. Grace asked where my parents live? I tell her they don't live anywhere. Of course she wants an explanation so I explain they were murdered by a lifelong friend so I would return to the states to bury them, he was right about my returning to bury them. But wrong in thinking I would marry him. We found out everything when his father started checking his room out and his trunk of his car. He had plans to kidnap and keep me hostage. Luckily he had him committed and in doing so he found evidence of him driving the vehicle that killed my parents. So I think you have too much information about me. So let's discuss the fact that victims were found to be on charity lists, shall we? That stopped my being interrogated. Elliott just laughed.

I do believe mom stopped her interrogation of Anastasia at that point. I laughed not at everything she told, but the fact she knew about the lists and the victims were from them. It was sad to know people took those lists and used them to get their victims.

I don't know what to think about this young lady, but she doesn't mind speaking her mind. I think she is still grieving her parents death and that her friend murdered them. I checked her background and found that she lost them less than a year ago. I know that Grace feels guilty about the list and the victims. She couldn't have known that would happen. I hug Grace.

I am unsure what she is implying, but I think she is testing me on what I think about it and how to resolve it will never happen again. So I tell her we have implemented a process to assure things like it won't happen again. She then says that she knew that I would definitely get it resolved immediately. She has my number. After reading all her books I should have known she could be so outspoken.

I thought she had stepped on moms feet, but mom wasn't upset at all and we got in a better topic about other things like her next book in the series is basically writing itself. I am happy about that. Roz says her books are flying off the shelves and they are doing reprints.

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