The Contract

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After all the drama I finally sit down and read the contract from Grey Publishing and I am not happy with what I am seeing. Mia tells me that this is the reason why she knew I would want to see the contract and check into it and this might be why no one is signing with Grey. I call legal and have them join us in the office. This contract isn't the one we have agreed to, so someone in my company are screwing new writers and trying to screw all writers that come in, I call the guy running Grey Publishing and ask him to bring me the folders on the new and existing writers. I also ask for a list of the writers that were actually signed.

When I saw that I grabbed it from the editor who tried to get her to sign it. Anastasia said that the contract would never be signed even by a novice writer. Something is wrong and legal finally arrives and Christian shows him the contract. I introduce Anastasia Lambert, which apparently is her pen name. Jason let's Christian know that Colleen is gone, but to expect a call from our parents.

Drew Louis Legal
I look at the contract and know that this isn't something we agreed to. I pull up the contracts that we use for writers and send it to the printer nearest and that's in mr Grey's office. He looks it over and then shows his sister and the young lady by her. Barney arrives and he has found something and he shows mr Grey. I am told to wait until he finds which one of the Publishing company servers had changed the contracts and when and where did the extra money go. Plus they are also looking at someone who knew how to write the contract to assure the writer got barely nothing for writing their books. Mr Grey said that he will talk to me later.

Mr Grey had me search everywhere this contract came up and when it was changed and who changed it. We made sure mr Louis was sent to talk to mr Grey so we could go through everything on his computer and phone anywhere he signed on to the server. We allowed a one time access to mr Greys printer and backtracked the original contract and then we found where he made the changes. We checked everyone else's as well to assure we had the right person. Since SIP has became Grey Publishing we have found out a lot of things about them. A lot of issues and the same issue with writers not signing contracts. We think whoever is behind this contract is part of SIPs staff that was brought over in the purchase. The contract was made to benefit the editor who signed it and they got most of the money for signing the writer and the writer got very little for their work. I finally was introduced to Anastasia Lambert, a well known best selling author. She was offered the bad contract and turned it down.

Colleen called me about Christian and she said that she was assaulted by a friend of Mia's and Christian had her thrown out of his building along with telling her that he wasn't going to marry her or have a baby with her. I'm listening to this and I am thinking that it doesn't make any sense at all. So I don't believe her. I asked why did the person assault her out of nowhere? I also asked why security would throw her out the building to begin with? Then I asked her why she was there to begin with. The underwood's got it in their heads that she was going to marry Christian and have his children. I just told them he was single and I thought all my children should get married and have children. They apparently decided that I meant that their daughter and my son should marry and have children. I told Colleen that I didn't know that she thought I was arranging his marriage to her. I told her that I would never arrange my children's marriages and never would. She blubbered about a restraining order and I told her that she had to have to had something for her to have one served against her. She wouldn't own up to doing anything at all. I finally told her that I wouldn't help her because she did something and she refuses to tell me what it was. I end the call.

Mrs Grey was no help at all and my dad said he would be talking to Christian and soon. A lot that is going to help and Mia's friend was a problem, a problem that I am going to get rid of. If only I knew her name. I am sure that I can find it out without any problems. I decide to check out GEH to see if I can follow her.

Jason put a tail on Colleen and assure she doesn't hurt anyone in my family and put someone on Miss Steele. I offered Miss Steele a contract for three books for more than she was getting paid in London, plus more perks. I can't wait to hear Mia squeal about my signing on Miss Lambert/Miss Steele. She got the normal contract we offer well established authors. Jason brought a few things to my attention and I realized that she was one of assistants of Jack Hyde and his last one she was drugged by him, but she shoved him away from her and he died after going through a glass door. She served thirty days until the verdict was overturned. She had filed a complaint if sexual harassment against him and HR head Elizabeth Morgan buried it along with the other women's reports. Elizabeth is serving time now. She won a law suit against SIP for millions and left for London.

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