Triple Vegas Weddings

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Seattle Times
These are directly from GEH PR department. In these photos you see all the of the Grey children in their wedding photos. They were wed two weeks ago in a triple ceremony. You head it here first.

That was good and it makes Kate's life so much worse because now she has to try to prove the information she shared about Mia and Evan. The judge won't tell her anything and we are making sure she can't locate anything that can back her story up. She can finally walk out her apartment door again without a huge crowd waiting for her. We have set her up for more. She had Mia and Evan afraid for their lives and their patients lives as well. I had to pay for security for a long time and for a lot of people. Anastasia had me move in with her and she moved things in with me. We are very happy being. Married and my parents are now asking for grandchildren. We celebrated the adoption of Charlie last weekend and he loved that he has a lot of family members now. Anastasia has a lot too.

Ahh revenge is sweet and the Kavanagh family haven't been keeping up with their competition and I am slowly becoming a bigger stockholder. Slowly but surely they will pay for what they did to me. Their on line presence is poor and their customer support is horrible not enough people are buying newspapers. Soon they will be getting taken over by your truly. They are why I came back to Seattle. I wanted them to feel helpless just as I did. Hitting them in their pocketbooks. Ethan was never part of what happened, but Enid, Kate and Eamon were trying to bury me.

It amazes me that no one bothered us once we got home. Security was tight as hell though. GEH PR did a great job and we were congratulated again for our wedding. We have been very busy but we make sure we are together as much as possible. Things are becoming routine now.

I love being married to Evan and our families are getting along very well. It's like all of us found our soulmates at the same time. Well around the same time. Anastasia was first and I brought her to Christian and in turn Delilah brought her brother to me, after Christian hired her. Amazing how things work out just from a book signing. We really enjoyed the paparazzi payback to one of their own after she outed us on her family newspaper. It was done by an unknown person and apparently pinged off a London IP. Only certain people know that information and only a few of us know that Anastasia lived in London for three years. I just don't think Kate will recover from that and I think that was the goal. I found out a few more things about her as well. Anastasia was her dorm mate and Jose Rodriquez Jr. was a friend of theirs and he was found with footage from their dorm room and their bathroom, especially their bathroom with very explicit footage of everything that went on in the place. The guy is in prison with help from his father Jose sr. and Anastasia. It was Welch and Barney who got me that much, but I found out Jose Jr. killed Anastasia's parents to get her back from London. Jose Sr. found proof he planned to kidnap Anastasia and keep her hostage when he found out she was selling all her parents properties off and moving to Seattle. I guess she had kept telling him that they could never be more than friends. His dad found all his photos of Anastasia and some he knew she hadn't posed for. So he had him committed and from there he was arrested for murder as they found the murder weapon. A car hidden in a storage unit. I am sure that Christian knows all of this, he would definitely investigate anyone near me or his family. My friends were upset that Christian got married. They pretty much couldn't come to Family brunch and I stopped hanging with them to become a surgeon. We got together to get the books signed Gia really had changed since those days we hung out. We all had, she tried to get all of us to go to Esclava that day. She was desperate. We all know now why. She was trying recruit us for human trafficking.

The things people do to each other be careful who you do unjust things to for they might return the favor a hundred fold. The Vegas weddings surprised us and they were very beautiful and everything was perfect thanks to Christian and his staff. Carrick said that he thought the weddings were going to be typical Vegas style weddings but he was stunned by how much effort was put into all three weddings. It was very well done, starting with the oldest groom to the youngest groom marrying their brides. Jason was the one who walked Anastasia down the aisle. We forgot she had no one. Christian sent Jason after he realized that his dad and Delilah's father were walking the brides down the aisle. It went well after that and Jason did the father daughter dance with Anastasia as well. I got two dances, one with each of my sons. I think tears were shed by a lot of us women. Christian told Anastasia when Jason gave her away to him that she was no longer alone in this world and will never be again. I think everyone at the altar heard it. We had to fire Gretchen because she lost it when she finally understood that she had no chance to become a Grey. She had been with us since she turned 18 years old. Not once did the boys give her any indication that they would marry her. I don't know if what she said about them both having sex with her was true, if it was she should've came to us at the time.

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