Seattle Bound

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I got all my parents affairs settled and life insurance and bank accounts. I bought a house near the sound and had security updates put in along with my own touches. I brought my handmade furniture with me and all my mom's jewelry and some of her clothing with me along with her shoes and coats. All classic clothing something that stays in style. I have a book signing today and my publisher wants me to sign for more books, but I think I need one here in the U.S.. she is very determined and is offering me a great deal. Unfortunately I am not willing to fly to London to sign books and travel to the surrounding countries.

Seattle has changed since I have been here last. I see Kavanagh Media is still doing business and Seattle Nooz is still spewing nonsense. They both settled with me and my parents and offered apologies for days after they printed their stories about me and then my parents. The others did the same and seem to have learned their lessons after being hit in the pockets. Dad found a good attorney who scared the Holy Ghost out of the people who had printed all the lies about us. I miss my parents very much and I hate Jose Jr, for taking away who I loved most in life. I decide to GET things unpacked and then get some sleep. My gun is is safely locked away and in my bedside stand.

Jose Sr.
Jose jr. is finally aware of his fate and he is very angry. He holds me responsible for him being in prison for life. I remind him he actually did the things that he was found guilty of. That still didn't sink in with him. I put money in his account and bid him goodbye. He took me off his visitors list after that. The public defender and Anastasia is on his visitors list now. I have my will updated and I owe it to Anastasia to leave her everything of mine and leave enough money for Jose Jr survive in prison. Little did I know he was the one to fear and not one fearful of him. Sadly I don't have Anastasia's new address so I have everything forwarded from her old address to her new address. 

My attorney knows her attorney so she will know when I die. I'm sure she doesn't want to hear from us and I don't blame her.

I think of getting a haircut and get a manicure and a pedicure along with some other things done so I find the closest salon to get it done at. I walk in a high end salon and ask for the works which saves me money. Not much but I don't do this often and after everything I need it. I need to get my address changed on everything and on the cars and dads work van and truck. I kept all the vehicles and all of them are in the garage beside the house. I am just enjoying the shampoo and suddenly I hear a voice ask if I am enjoying my shampoo? Whoever it is I just tell them and nothing else. Soon my hair is ready to be cut and I am trying to get is cut to curve around my face and around the bottom if my ears. Right now it is down to my ass and I have to pull it back in a pony tail or use a headband. I want bangs and I have told the stylist exactly what I want. I hear the same voice try to tell my stylist do my hair differently and leave the length. I tell him I am the customer not her and he needs to do as I ask him to do. I look around and see some blonde who shouldn't give anyone any advice on anything concerning their style on anything. I tell her that I am paying for my haircut and everything else I ordered and she needs to stay out of my business. I have never had this happen before and I won't have it now. She tells me that our mutual friend won't like it. I tell her we don't have a mutual friend since I know no one in Seattle. She turns red and walks away and I see her checking the appointment book. She left me alone after that and helped another brunette. The other girl was similar to me in looks but taller.

I can't believe I didn't see the similarities between the two of them and nearly caused a very serious problem. I went to see the appointments and I saw my appointment was with someone else now and the other young lady had ordered the works as well as my girl. I think I should see if she would be interested in becoming a submissive. I approach her as she checks out and tell her that I have an opportunity for her to meet wealthy men.

I look at this Elena person like she's crazy. I tell her that I don't need her help meeting wealthy men and to stop bothering me. I give her back her card as I take my credit card back from the cashier and I get in my car and drive off.

I find out her name from the appointment book and credit car slip. Anastasia doesn't know that I don't take no for answer. Neither do my clients. I have several men looking for her type. I look her up on google and find nothing on her at all.

I finally get home and I cook my dinner and watch some tv and start finishing up my last part of my book. I have completed my book finally. It took a while and because of everything recently it change the way my book was going to end and I hope it goes over well.

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