How They Fall

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Seattle News
Today we announce the fall of Kavanagh Media, which will now be Steele Media and Productions. We have been told the new Owner is one Anastasia Steele Grey. Apparently this was even a surprise to her husband Christian Grey. She is revamping the whole company and firing a lot of people. Times changed and unfortunately Kavanagh Media didn't keep up with them.

I had to hide my actions of buying the shares until I bought most of the controlling shares. I definitely am going in with guns blazing and the Kavanagh empire will be ran by me and my staff now. I did a lot of cleaning house. It was a very hostile takeover. I made sure that Eamon and Kate knew that I never forgave or forgot about what they did to me. Eamon pretty much had no choice but to sell his shares Kate and Enid held onto theirs tightly. Ethan kept his, but let me vote with his. He never thought they should have did that to me back then. Oddly enough it was their money that I used to start buying up shares. I let Eamon know that fact. He tried to hurt me, but even being pregnant I was able put him down on the ground before my CPO could. He was arrested and I definitely am not dropping charges. Don't try to hit a pregnant woman dumbass, you never know what they might be capable of. Now I can get a restraining order against him and he can't be anywhere near me. So he can't be in the building when I am. My teams started taking their positions as the upper management was being systematically terminated. Each one was as irate as Eamon after hearing what's going to happen to their position and who will be taking their jobs. I have doubled my security and I am sure Christian has added more coverts.

I wanted to go with Anastasia to boot Eamon and his money sucking do nothings out of Kavanagh Media. Wait until she terminates Kate Kavanagh, she needs to cut all the Kavanagh's out of the company, but she needs to get all their shares. They have a total of thirty shares between the four of them. Ethan has signed his proxy over to Anastasia. Kate is too angry to sell her shares yet. Eamon and Enid are hoping to regain their company, good luck with that. Anastasia is going to try to completely destroy at least three Kavanagh family members. I am glad Elliott only had a one night stand with Kate. He had no idea who she was. She used her daddy's newspaper to get back at the Grey family. She of course stayed within the bounds of not getting sued. I decided to give Eamon a call and remind him that two can play that game and I know where the bodies are buried along with assuring his daughters party girl reputation is photographed and in the social pages in other papers. The slams against the Grey family stopped. He never saw mrs Anastasia Rose Steele Grey coming for him. She planned this a long time ago. I helped her with determining her management team. The Kavanagh family don't work there and they don't get a paycheck, they only earn off their shares if the company is making money. It isn't yet.

Eamon is home early and not in a good mood. He comes in and tells me to forget going into work tomorrow because I don't have a job any longer. He also says that he and Kate no longer have jobs. Kavanagh Media is now owned by Anastasia Steele. We only have our meager shares in the company. I ask who Anastasia Steele is?

We did a number on her and was sued later for it along with apologizing for smearing her name on our front pages for as long as we could we had to apologize to her in great detail for the same length of time we attacked her. Your daughter had her as a dorm mate and it didn't end well. None ever did, let's face it your daughter is a slob and expected others to wait on her. Miss Steele refused to be her maid and cook. She reported Kate for being disrespectful of her dorm mates. We had to hire someone to clean for Kate.

I slam the door as I enter my parents home and I see them in the living room with some kind of drink in front of them. I am angry and for a good reason. Anastasia Steele has fired me like she promised to years ago when she threatened to years ago after I made her the target of my malicious comments on the front page of dads newspaper. I did it to get back at her for reporting me to the dean of housing. Then it turns out she wasn't guilty of what she was put in prison for. This is her getting back at my family for everything we did wrong to her. Well done. Now I need to get a job. Dad has a plan to get  Kavanagh Media back. We sit down and talk about his plan to get it back. Now I know he has lost his mind and he needs help. I go update my resume and send it out to all news organizations and hope they hire me. I apply for anything that I can put my degree to good use. I soon get responses to my resumes and one is the Seattle Nooz. It's better than nothing. I can use it to get back into what I really want to do and that's investigative reporting. Dad tells me it isn't a good idea to work for that place and told me it would taint my career for life. I don't think it could be much worse than it is now. I have been getting more interviews and go to them and find  that they want the name not the person. But so does the Nooz. I am about to start my job and they call me and tell me someone owns the company and they can't hire anyone at this point.

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