The Sun Goes Down

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Charlie Grey
I am watching my family and friends as I marry Karen Sue Kavanagh, daughter of Ethan Kavanagh. My family were really not thrilled about our marriage and a iron clad prenuptial agreement was put into place. I met Karen while jogging with my dog Bonkers. She stopped and petted him and I was surprised he let her. I asked her for her number and she gave it to me and took mine as well. Neither gave our last names. We started going out regularly and then mom and dad insisted she join us for family brunch. She's six years younger than I am.

Karen Sue Kavanagh
At seeing the gorgeous man running with his dog for the fifth time, I decide to pet his dog and the dog allowed me to. Soon we had each others numbers. After going to family brunch all hell broke loose about my family and his family being at odds. We tried to stay away from each other but dad couldn't help himself but he went and spoke to Elliott Grey and they worked things out for us to see each other again. There were still sone problems, but they were ironed out and we are now having our second child. Samuel Charles and then Delia Lynnette Grey are two years apart in age. Charlie's cousins and siblings were part of the wedding. My grandparents passed away within five years of my birth. My aunt Katherine passed away and that's all they have told me. Dad says that it is best not to look into it and I haven't out of respect for him. Carrick and Grace Grey demanded a prenuptial agreement be signed and I read it all and signed it.

I had to talk Elliott into talking to Ethan and he did and then we spoke to Anastasia and Christian about allowing Charlie to date Karen and they met with Ethan and his wife and Karen and they said it was okay. Their twins were a surprise and apparently it wasn't a boy, but twin girls one behind the other and the front one was holding her cord in a way that looked like something else. Simone Lynn and Shelly Dawn Grey are both little business moguls at 16 years of age.

Shelly is carrying her niece and Simone is carrying her nephew. Theodore is at the altar as the best man for Charlie. Those are his twins and Maria is the matron of honor and his wife of four years. Both graduated from college early and had a very small wedding. She had no family like Anastasia,  so I walked her down the aisle as she tried to keep her tears from falling. I handed her my handkerchief and told her he's with her in spirit. I gave her away. Jason and Gail have retired but they are at every event or dinner or anything we have. They are family. Photo albums include them in all of them. Mom and Dad have gone for two years and three years respectively. It was hard watching dad wither away from a broken heart. He tried not to, but he didn't have the will to live. I don't think I could either. I kiss Anastasia and see the newly married couple. The first dance is over and it amazes me how different Ethan is from Kate and his daughter is so very different. He had no problem with the prenuptial agreement at all.

Karen was not welcomed at first but after seeing her and Charlie in so much pain, I called Elliott and we talked and we talked and then we brought in Anastasia and Christian to talk about it. Soon they just allowed it and finally we had family dinners and soon we are dragged into planning a wedding and here we are. Debbie and Louis are Mindy and my other children and we are hoping they don't go through the same battles Karen and Charlie have.

It was a great wedding and I am surprised about how well it went. Ethan and Mindy are now our in laws. Delilah has been here through it all and she saw the pain it caused and all the security it took and the trials. But like she said Ethan isn't Kate and neither is Karen. So we brought Anastasia in on it and she and Christian met the girl and they said it was okay and now she's family and so are Ethan and Mindy and their other children.

We are watching the sun go down as we drive to our house on the sound that has been built where the Lincoln house used to be. Elliott helped get that horror house bulldozed and excavated and built a new smart home in its place and bigger and beautiful unlike what the other place looked like. We decided to have a honeymoon in our new home. His dog is staying with his parents for two weeks. We have planned to have a baby right away.

I love this place and how secure it is. I carry her over the threshold and we head to the back of the house and we open the blinds to see the sun going down and we undress each other and start creating a new life in more ways than one. Our lives have been so very different from each others and we found each other and I am so very glad about it.

A year later our lives are full of memories of our wedding and now our son Elliott Ethan Grey. At three months old we definitely started our family right away. Mom is very proud of our son. Christmas is going to be special this year for everyone. Two more babies were born to the Grey family and two marriages for the Kavanagh clan.

Weddings and babies are reminding me of how old I am getting. Mindy kisses my head and tells me to be happy. A call from an unknown number comes through to my burner phone. I answer the phone and it is Kate, she congratulates me on the wedding of Karen to Charlie Grey. I nod to the FBI agents and they start the trace and they tell me to keep talking. I tell her that the prenuptial agreement was a horror show, but the wedding was perfect and they gave me a grandson and I suddenly hear a gunshot. An agent gets on the line and says that this time she is actually dead and her fingerprints match my sisters. I hang up the phone and really cry for my sister because she didn't choose to be born mentally disturbed. They found out that she paid to fake her death and she got away. I got this damn burner phone from out of nowhere. I answered the phone and heard Katie tell me congratulations on my daughter marrying a Grey and then hung up. I called the FBI and they tried to trace the call. This was our life nowadays and it is finally over. Her threats against Anastasia were getting worse. I want proof that she is really dead this time.

Three days later I see her body and I know it's her. The DNA tests are done in front of me and my DNA is taken as well. I watch it being done to be sure no mix ups are made. It is definitely her. I breathe a sigh of relief.

The end I hope you enjoyed the story and thank you for reading it.

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