Baby Grey

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Nothing like a good sneeze to make your wife's water break and you are hearing help me please as your wife has slipped on the fluids that on the floor below her. Somehow get is stuck and we can't get her out, the EMT's have to be called, the plumber will be needed along with the fire department. Jason goes get a tool box to see if he can get the water turned off and then try to get her out of where she is stuck. The baby will need to be delivered in the bathroom. I can't see how she got stuck between the wall and the toilet, but she did it. Well she fell that way. Soon the firemen have her out without hurting her and the baby. The screams from the labor were loud and I couldn't be with her when she gave birth to Theodore Raymond Steele Grey. Soon they have Anastasia free and the plumber has been able to repair the damage done to the toilet to get Anastasia out. I had him give me an estimate to assure that something like this can't happen again. It will be a funny story later on, but not now. We all arrive and the baby is taken to be checked over and Anastasia is being checked over by the ER doctors and apparently she has a broken arm from the fall. They delivered the after birth and cleaned her up and got her into her own gown. We had the bag in the car and ready to go.

My luck my water breaks and I slip in it and I get stuck between the toilet and the wall. It is because I am so small that I got stuck. I also broke my arm in the process. They had to deliver Theodore right there and boy was it awkward. A plumber, firemen and EMTs all crowded in to help me after assuring they didn't slip on the fluids. They had someone mop up the fluids and they all started working the plumber turned off the water and drained the water from the toilet and moved it so I could be moved to deliver the baby. I couldn't be moved far because Theodore's head was coming out and quickly. Between my broken arm and the labor pains I have a sore throat from screaming. Then I hear his cries and they start moving us before I know what's happening. The plumber is getting instruction from Christian to move the toilet so no one can get stuck again. The plumber said he will figure it out and it will cost a lot for emergency of this kind. I screamed pay it Christian, please. I see my son again finally and they have my arm in a cast. I am on muscle relaxers and Theodore is being circumcised and security is really around lately. I figured Christian was being super protective of me because of the pregnancy. Then I got suspicious and I demanded to know what was going on?

Security has more than doubled since we found out that Jose Rodriquez Jr. escaped from prison and was last seen around GEH. Christian wanted to keep it from Anastasia during her pregnancy and she was told no stress or end up in the hospital. Now she's asking questions and Christian has to tell her the truth. I brought her gun to her and she has it close by. She asked me to bring it in her suitcase and to not tell anybody she has it. Her license is with it.

Jose Jr.
I finally get to see my son and my wife. I can get in easily with the mask and scrubs. I stole an employee ID and I made it to the nursery and there he is my son. The Grey name will be corrected soon. I am watching as he is being fed and I sense that someone is close by and watching my son as well. I leave because this guy is scary. Plus another guy who was bigger than the other guy. I head to see Anastasia and I find that the room is empty. I check the nurses station and ask where Anastasia Grey is at? Apparently she's been moved to another ward for security purposes. She won't give me the information. She presses a button and says that she has someone asking about mrs Grey's room number and turns and looks at me and then my badge and I run. The stairs are my first choice for escape. Bad move because there are people in the stairwell. I go to the elevators and there are security guards and I duck into a room and there she is. I start towards her and try to move her out if the bed when I feel something against my head.

I suggest that you get your hands off me now. You know I can shoot and after everything you have done I won't hesitate to blow your brains out. You know I can and will. You have turned me into a ruthless person by all that you have done to me. Now give me a reason to kill you now. He just smiles and says you won't kill your husband. I pull the trigger and the blood goes everywhere and people run inside and find me on the floor laying on top of Jose's body he had me off the bed and in his arms taking me from my bed.

We enter and don't see anyone and walk around and Anastasia is on top of him and holding a gun and it looks like he was holding her when she shot him and killed him. I take photos and so does Jason from all angles and we need to get the cops here and the staff to help Anastasia get cleaned up and her cast replaced. The fall caused more damage to her arm, so the did new x rays and reset it and put a new cast on it. They saved the cast for evidence along with her clothing her gun and a photo of her CC license.

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