Drugged Into Submission

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Jose Sr.
I had no choice but to have Jose Jr. hospitalized for everyone's sake. He had things in his car that scared me. Things that kidnappers would use and they were recently purchased. I found them after Anastasia told him that they were just friends and nothing more. Then I heard him sabotaging the sale of her parents property. He was planning to keep her from leaving and actually planned on where he was going to keep her. I got the keys and went to see the place. It had a bed with chains and handcuffs and I knew that I had enough to get him hospitalized. His therapist signed the paperwork to have him committed. He fought them every step of the way until one of them drugged him to get him settled down. I can't believe he had gotten that bad, but I am glad that I took steps to make sure that Anastasia was safe from him. I am starting to think he had something to do with her parents death, he wanted her back home and that was a way to get her home. He tried unsuccessfully for three years to get her to come back from London. It worked, but what car did he use and where is it at? I start looking for something in his things and I have found it. Now I have to call the cops on my own son. He's been a very bad. Any chance with Anastasia as even a friend is gone. I should have paid more attention to what he was doing now it's too late. The cops have came and gone and they will be investigating everything and they will be charging him with murdering the Steele's once they have checked out the car they found in the storage building he rented to store it in.

The police have asked me questions about Jose Jr., they asked me if I knew he was obsessed with me? I told them that I had to keep telling him we were friends and nothing more. They asked me where I was when my parents were killed? I showed them my plane tickets and my passport. I told them Jose Jr. called me about my parents death and can play the message for them if they needed me to. Apparently he called me before my parents were killed in the wreck. The car that hit them was hidden in a storage unit that Jose Jr. had rented. They then tell me what else they found and I am already upset about everything else and I hope he burns in hell. Jose jr and sr have known me all my life and they are family. Jose jr is a monster who killed my parents to get me back from London and he was going to kidnap me and keep me a prisoner. Jose sr. Found the evidence and turned it over to the police to investigate. Since he is already in the psychiatric hospital they are questioning him there. I hope that he tells them the truth. He probably won't.

Jose Jr
I am being given drugs daily and I can't think straight. I have been questioned and I answer the questions but I don't remember what I told them. I know they are talking about the car and my part in killing Anastasia's parents her last anchor to stop her from really ending it all. After she was found guilty she tried to commit suicide but someone found her. I think she needs to leave and start a better life, but I can't let her, she's mine. I recall when mom died I just couldn't get over it, but Anastasia helped me through it all. This is different, I killed her parents and every time I see her pain I will remember that I did this to her because I wanted her back home and it was the only way to get her back home to me. Then I would get her through it like she got me through back when mom died. I hear words like arrest and other things they took me to what looks like a courtroom. Dad is here and Anastasia is as well. I smile at her but she frowns at me. Soon I am taken away but not to the same place. I am behind bars and with others in the same cell. I am getting less foggy and more stressed because I'm not liking the way these guys are looking at me. I suddenly feel a punch to my face. I don't think I am in Kansas anymore Toto.

Public Defender
I don't like the idea my client was brought out of a psychiatric hospital and still on medications when he was arraigned and he plead guilty of all charges. I had two minutes to ask him questions about what he had done and how he wanted to plea. He said he was guilty then he was guilty of being in love with Anastasia Steele. They refused him bail even though they were going to take him back to the psychiatric hospital. The judge decided he belonged in jail. I tried to argue the point and he didn't want to hear it.

Now I am stuck here for this trial and everything that happens with it. My phone was used as evidence that he planned everything out in the murdering my parents and why. The photos are all in evidence, photos that Jose Sr. Later discovered where Jose Jr. set up cameras in my room and my bathroom to get videos of me naked. He had the keys to my house apparently we trusted him too much because I was thirteen when he first started recording me. I am at the point where I want to kill him. But I am not him and no matter what happens I can't take a life well unless it's a matter of saving my own or my parents. I cry every time I think of them being murdered by someone they thought as family.

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