Grey Publishing

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I told Anastasia Lambert about my brother owning Grey Publishing and they are looking to sign we known authors and they are also hiring managing editors and editors. They are also looking for people to work in their on line publishing business. I give her my number and she takes it and asks me if I was in on Gia's scam, I tell her that I wasn't and I ended our friendship because of what she tried.

I take her card and we part ways as the line to sign my books gets huge and I need to start again. Apparently my assistant arranged that for a well known billionaire in the Seattle area. Mia is his sister. I am thinking about it and I call her number from a burner number and arrange something for the next week. I am stopped by a journalist who wants an interview and when I hear her last name I tell her to go screw herself. Kate Kavanagh might not have written the stories but her family damn well did. My face was splashed all over their front page, they were sued too by me and my parents after I was released, we were settled with for a nice number and they had to apologize on the front pages for the same amount of time they splashed our faces across their newspapers. Then we made it all go away my parents had a hand in that. As soon as I could I got my passport and everything and flew to London. We were being harassed by the paparazzi and the news people. It got better for my parents after I left the country. I kept in touch with them all the time. Mia took me to Grey Publishing and introduced me to the person in HR and then the managing editor. I let Mia talk foe me. My last book was sent via internet and I am done with my contract in London. They have it and are publishing it and it goes out in two weeks. Of course I told the editor that. She seemed enthusiastic about trying to sign me. But once I saw the contract and the money I turned it down. I know she was lowballing me. Even Mia said something about it. She grabbed the contract and off we go. I just have a visitors pass so I have to go with her. I don't know where she is headed. We get in an elevator and it takes us to the thirtieth floor and a lady tells Mia that her brother is busy at the moment and offers us something to drink. I ask for water. Mia asks for something they have to send out for. It is her brother's company after all.

Andrea informs Mia and a visitor are waiting to see me and I tell her to send them in. Colleen rolls her eyes and I tell her don't screw with Mia. Mia walks in with a young woman about her age but something tells me she's not to be screwed with. Mia hands me a contract and tells me to read it. I go over it and Mia has her friend sit down and Colleen is giving the young lady with Mia a once over and the young lady just laughs at Colleen. Colleen starts to say something but before I can stop her the friend tells her lady if you look me up and down you will be laughed at. Only insecure people look people up and down, it's a subtle insult and honey even on my worst day I outshine you in looks. So keep the looking me up and down to yourself when you see me the next time. I almost laugh. I stop myself. I tell Colleen to go home because I can't deal with her issues right now. Her biological clock is about to stop ticking. I told her that I didn't want to marry her and definitely don't want children with her, but she's persistent. My parents want Elliott, Mia and I to get married.

I am not leaving until you give me an answer to my questions. He says I told you no more than once to both questions.

Our parents were wrong to send you here to do this. We are just friends and that's all. I hit the intercom button and ask for Jason to bring help. Colleen has no idea what that means, but Mia does. Jason brings in two others with him one being a female. He tells Colleen it's time to leave, I had nodded my head towards her and she looked at the three of them and smiled and said this isn't over. She looks and both Mia and her friend and makes a threat.

Mia watch your back, you too mini mouse.

Colleen I don't like threats and I am ready if you are? Come at me and see how mini I am. She starts rushing me and I take her down to the floor and she crying in pain with my knee in her back and her arm twisted into a spiral. The guy called Jason takes over and I sit down and I tell her don't threaten an unknown quantity. My parents taught me well. Too bad yours didn't teach you manners.

I will sue you and have you arrested for assault. She laughs and says there are too many witnesses against you my dear.

I do believe mr Grey recorded it all. He tells her that he did record everything.

I want you out if my life now. Don't try to get my mother to bring you here again. I will have you arrested. I look at Mia's friend and asks if she wants to press charges for assault? She says it's not worth it. She says she carries and I see Jason react. He asks where she has it? She points to her purse.

I go get the gun and see her last name on the carry conceal license and I make sure the safety is on. I know who she is and who her parents are. I hand her it back and see Colleen turn white.

She could have shit me with that gun at any time, I think she should be arrested.

Jason tells her she has a license to carry the gun, she didn't pull it out and aim it at her. I tell Jason to get Colleen Norwood out of my building for good.

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