In Search Of

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Police Woman Tina Fallon
I am executing a search warrant on Miss Katherine Kavanagh's property and she is getting very angry and calling her dad to get his attorney to help her. It's too late for that lady. We start going through things, well things are a disaster. We thankfully have gloves on and go through everything including her cars. One car is missing, we ask her where it is at? She said it was stolen and she had filed a report yet. We are taking her in for questioning and we need to know when she realized the car was stolen. She said just now and we know she's lying. We found things that incriminate her and we take and bag everything and we find men's clothing and bag that.

I had to think about what to tell them about the other car and where it is at, so I tell them it was stolen they asked me when and I told them that I just noticed it now, so no report was filed yet. Dad said the attorney will meet me at the police station. Carrick Grey is behind this I am very sure of it. Soon they have my stolen car and are searching it. They found it in the hospital parking lot. They matched it with the keys they found in Jose jrs pockets and of course the ring had mom and dads home keys, mine and Ethan's home. But the other keys were on there they demanded to know what they were for. I had no idea what they were for. They were new to me. I was questioned about how it was stolen and how did he get the keys? I then told them I needed to stop talking until my attorney arrived. I spotted Carrick Grey in the hallway as they opened the door. I know he isn't here for his health. I am left in the room for a while and I am thinking about what they are doing outside now.

Anastasia has asked that I represent her in this matter because she thinks that she might lose it since her hormones are all over the place after having Theo. Grace told me it isn't unusual for women to suffer postpartum depression and to become volatile during that period. Christian is meeting me here and we are going to find out what happens next, because it isn't a coincidence that Jose Jr had her car. She might tell them it was stolen but he had keys to it and her and her family's homes. I don't know how much she has helped him, but she did. We just can't get a timeframe yet as to when she started helping him. They are still going through the evidence. Her attorney finally arrives along with her parents.

I am here because Kate needed me. She needed our help and my attorney. Derrick went in to talk to her and help her get through the interrogation. Enid thinks they are trying to frame her. My wife is a bit naive about her daughter. I just want to know just how much she was involved in all of this. She can't fool me at all. I know she knew Jose jr. From the time Anastasia and her were dorm mates. I didn't like him back then and I was worried about him. I looked him up and he escaped prison. He was put there for killing Anastasia's parents. Police think he killed his own father.

Attorney Derrick Sanders
They are holding miss Kavanagh because they believe she assisted a known murderer try to kidnap mrs Anastasia Grey and her newborn baby. I hope like hell she didn't do any of the things she is about to be charged with. This isn't the first time time she's crossed the lines of legal and illegal. We get through the interrogations and she is told not to leave town. They are definitely building a case against her. We need to discuss a few things before she is interrogated again. What is important is she guilty of what they are saying she is. She needs to give me something that says she's innocent of these charges. We are about to leave when we get stopped and she is arrested and charged. They take her to get fingerprinted and now we see if she will be arraigned and get bonded out. I have no idea what went on, but I am thinking that they found enough evidence against Miss Kavanagh to formally charge her.

I can't believe that Kate is being charged and might be found guilty of helping an escaped convict to kidnap Anastasia Grey and her new baby from the hospital. I can't see how that would be possible for her to do. We see them bring someone else in to interview. Where have I seen this young woman before?

I am being pulled in to talk about my part in this the attempted kidnapping of Anastasia Grey and her baby. They found a connection between me and the Kavanagh family and that I had worked for the Grey family until I was fired. I asked for a public defender. I am betting Kate has the best attorney money can buy. They are probably saying that I planned the whole thing. I just made contact with him and set things up, including giving him the keys to the car and house. Kate spotted him outside of Grey House. She followed him to where he was hiding and they came to a deal. She then contacted me after leaving me to clean her disaster of a home. I was working for room and board. She has used me to spy on the Grey family for a long time. I know she's going to leave me holding the bag on this one. I need to get ahead of the game on this. I tell them I have information and I need to cut a deal but need a public defender now.

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