The Fairness Of It All

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I can't believe I get prison and Gretchen gets to live free and I have been told my appeal has been denied. Ethan visits me and has put money into my account. The recommended amount and he has assured that I have thing to write if needed. Mom and dad are selling my properties, including the Lincoln properties to cover the legal fees and to assure that I have money to access if needed. I also found out that Gretchen is dating my attorney. Well my ex attorney. They didn't start dating until after he transferred my case to another attorney in his office. So I can't report him to the bar. My new attorney said that I should concentrate on my appeal. The Bar association told me that once he notified me he was turning my case over to another attorney and that I signed the documents that he could date anyone he wanted to. He did everything right.

I told Kate that Gretchen has mandated psychiatric visits and medicated treatments until the psychiatrist releases her from treatment. If she violates this or her probation or her community service she gets ten years in prison. She wasn't aware of that. It is public record and I looked.

We have eyes on Gretchen at all times now. We also know who hired her and they have security cameras everywhere. So if she does anything out of order it will be reported. Her apartment is watched and a tracker is on her car as well as coverts keeping eyes on her. It's been a month and she's followed every guideline set up by the courts. Dad said she got really lucky with a genius public defender. They headhunted him but he wanted to work as a public defender first to get experience.

I just can't believe the extent that Kate has gone to seek revenge for the dorm room issues. She was the problem and it was obvious. Even in the videos you could see she was the problem. Her and Jose Jr. were dangerous and add Gretchen to the mix, I am glad to know how to shoot. Apparently Jose visited the nursery prior to stumbling into my room. Security was there and he was wearing a face mask and scrubs with ID. Theodore will be a year old soon and Gretchen is no longer a concern at this point. The ex fiancé of her boyfriend shot and killed Gretchen and Derrick after she bursts in on them in his home. She then turned her gun on herself. They were never aware that she had been following them. The newspapers really had a hay day over it. My papers reported it but made sure the families were notified prior to releasing anything. Carrick and Grace sent flowers but felt it wouldn't be appropriate to attend the funerals. A neighbor called the cops and found the front door open.

Delilah and I had a girl two days after Theodore's first birthday. She looks like both of us, Charlie is very happy to have a sibling, but he was hoping for a brother. The Henderson family are hoping Evan and Mia give them some grandchildren soon. They are hoping they get pregnant soon. Everyone was happy that she had her own birthday. Charlie helps care for her and protects her.

I can't believe that my shot was in a batch of shots recalled and I am pregnant so soon. Elliott was shocked as well. Ten weeks after giving birth to Lydia Emerson Grey I am pregnant again.  It's not our fault though. The company offered a settlement and we took it. Mia had the same shot and so did Anastasia, we see the same Gyn so we had the same bad batch. Twenty five women were settled with. Collin James Grey born ten months after Lydia.  Mia had twin boys Allen Evan and David Carrick Henderson, Anastasia and Christian had another son James Christian Grey.

We watch as our families are growing and everyone is safe from harm. I can see that Anastasia has a tear in her eye as she watches her children play. No doubt missing her parents. Then she smiles and goes to play with them. Christian follows her and hugs her.

We sit here watch and enjoy our grandchildren with the Hendersons. It is amazing how much they remind us of each other. Our families just clicked right away. Gail and Jason are invited to everything and I think Anastasia feels like that are like a second mother and father to her and they are godmother and godfather to her children. She visits their graves and has flowers placed on the anniversary of their deaths.

Mia is taking time off to have her last baby. Evan is scared for her after the twins were born. Mia flatlined three times and the boys were delivered quickly and they had her back again. She was put on a vent. She finally woke up after a week. During this time the Kavanagh family took a loss of their own. After being in prison nearly six years Kate succumbed to depression and was found dead with her sheet tied around her throat and attached to the top bunk. Suicide was what the coroner stated. The funeral was a very private affair. Eamon, Ethan and Enid sold their shares of Kavanagh Media along with Kate's share too. I now own all the company. They made more money now than if they had sold them before. I can't believe how well that and the Seattle Nooz has done since I changed everything about it. Made it get everything updated and made everyone check facts and verify them on everything. Less law suits and firings. We still get those, but we don't always lose them.

I hug my wife and she says that she misses her parents at times like this. I rub her pregnant tummy and she smiles and I know that she is back with us. Her life is so much better than it was before we met. I chuckle about the birth of Theodore and everything that happened that time. James was an easy baby and she was at the GYN when her water broke. This one is our last one. It's another boy. Anastasia said she is fine with three boys. I told her that we could try for a girl, or adopt one. She said that she would think about it.

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