1 - Another Attack

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CW // angsty, panic attack.

Scream 6 era


There's been another ghostface attack. Sam texted the groupchat telling us to get to her place immediately. The first thing I thought to do was call Tara.

"Hello?" She answered almost immediately, as if she was on her phone already when I called her.

"Are you alive?" is all I could think to say. Stupid question, I know. I just couldn't relax until I heard it from her.

"I'm alive." She chuckled.

"Are you hurt?"

"Baby I'm fine, it's not me." She said soothingly. My guess is that she could feel my anxiety through the phone.

"I'm on my way."

When I arrived at Sam and Tara (and Quinn)'s place, everyone was there, sat on the sofa.

"Now it's a proper family meeting." Chad smiled as Mindy nudged him in the ribs.

"Hey guys." I said as I hung up my coat, smiling sadly to all of them. I hated that they'd all (well, bar Quinn, Anika and Ethan) been through this before. I hated that I had been dragged into it all, but wouldn't say it outloud. Tara feels bad enough as it is.

"Hi." Sam almost whispered. Sam didn't like me very much, nor did she trust me. I understood why, I was the new guy (with Ethan) and the love interest. The sheriff from Woodsboro told them last year not to trust the love interest. I don't think she'd like me very much in better circumstances either, given I am dating her baby sister.

"Y/N." Tara said as she exited the bathroom, practically running to me. I opened my arms immediately and held her.

"Thank God you're okay, Tar." I whispered, kissing her head.

"Excuse me, can we stop with the PDA and discuss the situation. There's a goddamn reason I called you here, Y/L/N." Sam said angrily as I let go of Tara, muttering an apology and sitting on the sofa arm next to Mindy.

Mindy was the first member of the group that I met. We met at a frat party and both share an avid love for horror films and got to talking about Stab, and how she is Randy Meeks' niece. I suppose that made me even more suspicious to Sam, and the rest of the group.

"Who was it this time?" Chad asked.

"My psychiatrist." Sam said, playing with her hands. 

"Damn." Mindy muttered.

"Yeah. Damn." Sam whispered, as the room fell silent for a minute. I looked around the room at the faces of my new friend group, the fear that washed over them.

Mindy, the first friend I made and the person I ramble with. Chad, her twin, who took me under his wing and helped me with my transition. Anika, Mindy's girlfriend, who has incredible music taste. Quinn, who always makes me laugh. Ethan, who was awfully quiet, but one of the kindest souls I have ever met. Sam, who hated me, but I admired her, because of how headstrong she was, and how she remained somewhat okay despite her awful situation. And my beautiful girlfriend, Tara, who saved me. I love her so much, I could not afford to lose her. She had already been stabbed countless times the year before we met, her scars still thick across her beautiful body. I had no intention of letting her get hurt again.

"So what do we do?" Ethan asked, looking around the room.

"Stay in at least groups of four, I think. That way, nobody is on their own and at risk of getting attacked on their own. There's always two killers, so we can't have groups of three incase we stupidly group both ghostfaces with someone. You know. logic." Mindy said as I nodded in agreement.

"That's a smart idea. I-I really don't wanna be on my own right now." I said. Sam scoffed.

"You're not counted in this. You're going back home and staying away from us. I can't risk my sister getting hurt again." Sam spat.

"Woah Sam hold on a second." Quinn jumped in. "As far as we know he's completely innocent."

"Or incredibly guilty." Sam said with a hand on Tara's shoulder.

"And if he gets killed when we've all abandoned him?" Chad said, getting angry. I just sat silently, terrified.

"Whoops?" Sam said nonchalantly.

"Holy shit Sam." Mindy said as she put a hand on my knee. 

"I-I get it, you don't know me very well but... I know I'm not the killer." I defended, shaking as my eyes began to water.

"And what about me? Or Ethan? Or Quinn?" Anika defended me now. "You've known us a similar amount of time that you've known Y/N."

"This is just about the fact that he's dating Tara isn't it?" Quinn asked.

"Wha-no! I just don't trust him. I think it would be better if he just stayed away from us, and if the killings stop then we know it's him." Sam yelled defensively.

"Sam I know you want to stop me from getting hurt, but it'll hurt even more if I lose him. Not to mention in a way that we could've prevented." Tara spoke up.

Hot tears started spilling down my face as I started to shake in fear. I have suffered from panic attacks for 3 years, and could feel that this was one.

"If y-you could excuse me..." I trailed off as I got up to hide in the bathroom.

"No sit back down." Sam shouted, making me jump.

"Sam!" almost everyone defended in unison. My breathing became more and more erratic as I sat back on the arm of the sofa.

"Holy shit he's having a panic attack." Chad said.

"Hey hey Y/N look at me." Mindy said as I turned to face her, breathing extremely heavily. "You're okay. I know you're scared I know, you can stay with me, Chad, and Anika, okay? I know it's scary but just take some deep breaths." She reassured as the whole room fell silent. Tara grabbed my hand, moving from Sam's grasp.

"I'm here baby. I've got you." She whispered, kissing my knuckle.

"You're doing so well Y/N well done." Mindy smiled as I continued to attempt to slow my breathing.

"That's it man, you got this." Chad smiled reassuringly, patting my knee. Anika came to the back of me to rub my shoulders as Quinn finally spoke up.

"There. Y/N can stay with Mindy, Chad, and Anika, and Ethan can stay here with us. Don't leave the poor kid on his own he's fucking petrified." 

Sam nodded reluctantly. "Alright." She said, looking slightly guilty.

Tara kissed my hand once again and then reached a hand up to play with my hair. Tears still poured down my face as my breathing finally regained a sense of normality.

"Well done, man." Chad said. 

"S-sorry about that g-guys." I spluttered, causing the whole room to erupt in disapproval of my apology.

"It should be someone else apologising." Tara said sternly, looking at her sister.

"No its fine, I totally get where she's coming from-" I attempted to dispute.

"No. I am sorry. I shouldn't just accuse you like that on minimal grounds." Sam said. "Can I hug you?" She asked shortly after. I nodded, returning the embrace as she whispered "We have to stick together." 

"Y-yeah. Yeah we do." I tried smiling.

For the next few days, I lived with Chad, Mindy, and Anika.

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