16 - Sweet Boy

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Requested by @Jangofettjamz 

Scream 6 Era

No Ghostface AU

TW for abuse! Very angsty chapter!

3rd Person POV

Y/N and Tara met at Blackmore University in NYC. Y/N had never been able to escape the trail of abuse that followed him his whole life, until he met Tara.

 His father used to beat him for misbehaving as a child, and his mother would just stand by. This only got worse when he came out as trans, and he couldn't escape the abuse from his father. He would beat him frequently, especially when he found out Y/N was going behind his back with his transition. He was trapped like this for 3 years, until his school contacted social services when he was 16 and came to school with a black eye and gash on his cheek. 

6 months after he escaped his abusive home, he got a girlfriend. They were fine for about 4 months, before she started abusing him, too. She would verbally degrade him, saying he was "no man" and hitting him to "prove" her point. He stayed with her until graduation, when his friend got him out of the abusive situation after his girlfriend hit him in front of all their friends.

He moved as far away from his life as possible for College, and enrolled at Blackmore. When he met Tara on his first day he instantly fell for her, and got on really well with all of her friends. But he was cautious and closed off with them for the first few months, until the group got drunk at Chad and Ethan's apartment.


"Holy shit." Y/N said, staring up at the ceiling. He was drunk, as were all of his friends. "I'm like, alive."
"Yeah." Tara chuckled, "You're alive."
"Why wouldn't you be?" Mindy asked, pouring herself and her girlfriend Anika another shot.
"I thought I was gonna die years ago. Like, my dad or my ex hits me too hard and, bam. Blackness. Never thought I'd wake up from it, you know?" He confessed, the alcohol doing all the talking. The room went silent as Sam, Tara, Chad, and Quinn all sat up, while Mindy, Anika, and Ethan were already up.
"What?" Quinn asked. Y/N still hadn't noticed all his friends staring at him.
"Yeah. Like, that shit is powerful. I still have scars, and my right eye socket is all smushy." he chuckled, sitting up to show them. They all looked horrified.
"What?" he asked, confused.
"Y/N..." Tara said, taking his hand.
"Y/N were you... did they hurt you?" Sam asked.
"Yeah? Did I- have I not told you guys?"
"No man." Chad said, patting his shoulder.


It wasn't long after that when he and Tara started dating, and they had been going strong for 7 months.

And now he was at his girlfriend's apartment, which she shared with her sister and their friend Quinn. The other two were away, so it was just him and Tara. He was laid on her bed, and Tara was playing Olivia Rodrigo and singing along while he looked at his phone.

"Hey." Tara said, placing a finger under his chin to lift his head up. He looked at her, smiling.
"Yeah?" he asked, turning off his phone to look at her.
"Wanna go to a party tonight?" she asked.
"Can we stay in?" he replied, rolling onto his back. "I'm really tired and I just want to be with you."
"I know baby," the girl began "but everyone is going, I don't want FOMO."
"I mean if everyone else is going that gives us more alone time?" the boy said.
"Yeah but we have plenty of alone time." Tara said, her tone becoming irritated.
"I mean you can go if you want-" Y/N started, but Tara cut him off.
"Why won't you come with me?" she snapped. Y/N's face fell.
"I'm just really tired and I really don't want to be social today."
"You never want to be social!"
"Where is this coming from?"
"You're pissing me off! Just come to the fucking party!" Tara yelled, standing up. Y/N sat up too. He'd been working on standing his ground in conflicts.

"Tara I really don't get why you're so mad." he said, as calmly as possible.
"You need to get out more!"
"I know I do but I just-"
"It's always the fucking excuses! What if I had planned something special?"
"Then I would go but-"
"How do you know that I haven't?"
"I-I don't but-"
"I swear to God you need to grow the fuck up Y/N L/N." 

The two sat in silence for a few seconds, before Tara stood back up and walked into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Y/N asked, following her.
"To get a drink." Tara replied coldly, opening the alcohol cupboard.
"Jesus Tara." he groaned, leaning against the counter.
"What, Y/N? Are you criticising me now?" she snapped.
"The fuck is wrong with you?" Y/N said, getting louder.
"You! You're such a fucking pussy it's actually ridiculous!" yelled the girl.
"I'm a pussy?" he shouted.
"Yeah you're a fucking pussy!" she shouted back.
"Wow, real fucking mature Tar." he chuckled sarcastically.
"Get the fuck out." the dark haired girl yelled, pointing to the door.
"I want to talk to Sam." the boy replied, standing his ground.
"Well too bad!"
"I can't believe you're this mad over a fucking party!"
"Because you're so fucking annoying!" Tara yelled, raising her arm above her head. Suddenly, the boy flinched, cowering under her.

"Hey-" she said softly, reaching out to him, but he backed away, tears streaming down his face.
"I'm sorry..." he mumbled quietly, backing into a corner and sitting on the ground, his head in between his knees.
"No no sweet boy please." Tara said, grabbing his hand. "I would never hurt you okay? Never ever." she attempted to reassure him. He just shook his head that was buried between his knees.

Tara didn't know what to do. She felt so guilty for creating the quivering mess opposite her. The boy she loved, she adored, she had just hurt in the worst way.

"My sweet boy," she whispered softly. "It's me. It's Tara. I am so so sorry. Can you look at me? Please?"

The boy raised his head, his face bright red as tears poured from his eyes. Tara's heart broke at the sight.

"Can I hug you?" she asked, not wanting to upset him more. He nodded, and she pulled him into her arms, holding him tight as they sat on the floor.

"I am so sorry my love. My beautiful, handsome, sweet boy. I love you so much." she mumbled, her face in his hair as she placed kisses on his head. They sat like that for about 5 minutes, and the boy began to calm down, so Tara took it as an opportunity to speak again.

"Hey, how about this. We order whatever you want, and watch (your comfort film/TV show)?"
"Don't you want to go to the party?" Y/N asked, sniffling.
"Not anymore." Tara said, kissing his hair once again.

A/N -

This was deep! I hope you enjoyed! I love writing more angsty chapters, so keep the requests rolling in! Don't be embarrassed to request, I will write pretty much anything haha!  

Tara Carpenter x TransMasc Reader One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن