22 - Good Enough (Autistic Y/N)

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Requested by Jangofettjamz

Scream 6 Era

Tara's POV

Me and Y/N have been dating for almost a year. He was well acquainted with Sam and all my friends, who I consider my family, so I was waiting for him to invite me to meet his family.

When he did, he seemed rather skittish. We were at Sam and I's place, and he walked into the kitchen.

"T, my parents want to meet for dinner." he told me, eyes on the ground, fidgeting with his hands.
"Alright." I smiled. I noticed his demeanour didn't change, so I took a step closer. "You okay?"
"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting down on the countertop.
"Just... I dunno. They're... weird about me."
"Weird? Weird how?"
"I dunno they just, they think I'm abnormal. They hate that I went to college instead of continuing on the family business like my brother and sisters, and since I'm autistic they think I'm like... weird because of it. Plus, when I came out as trans, they made it clear they'd had enough of me being different."
"Baby I'm sure that's not true. I bet they love you more than you realise." I attempted to reassure him, but his eyes remained fixed to the tile floor.
"Maybe..." he mumbled.
"Hey." I said. He finally looked up at me, but was avoiding eye contact. "Can I hold your hand for a second?"

I took his hand and he kissed the scar on mine gently, making me smile. He was incredibly romantic and affectionate with me.

"We are gonna have a great time at your parents'. I promise. And if not, then I'll buy you some new comics to make up for it. Deal?"
"Hell yes." he said with a chuckle. I kissed his cheek with a smile.
"When do they wanna meet?"

The next day rolled around and Y/N drove us to his parents house. It was only about a half hour away as they lived in Queens, but he was pretty silent the whole way there, just humming quietly along to the CDs in his car. I was okay with that, I just admired him the whole way there. He's stunning, like, the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my entire life. I could stare at him all day, observe the structure of his face, the slight bags under his mesmerising y/e/c eyes, the way his y/h/c hair falls perfectly into place, framing his features perfectly. It's as if he was crafted by the Gods, created in their vision of perfection. He wore a Marvel Studios T-Shirt and loose fitting jeans. He couldn't wear the tight ones as he hated how the material felt, so Sam and I scoured H&M for hours last Christmas to get him that pair. He loved them, and they were slightly battered now as they were the pair he wore most, despite him now owning other pairs. He says these are the most comfortable, and I think it has something to do with familiarity and sentimental value too. That's the thing about my Y/N, he's so sentimental. It doesn't matter the expense, if you do anything for him, he will never forget it, and it means the world to him.

When we pulled up at his parents, he seemed very on edge. Like, way more than usual.

"Baby it's alright." I whispered not to frighten him.
"Yeah." he mumbled into his hands.
"You've got this. I'm with you the whole way."
"I know."
"So let's do it, yeah?"
"Can I hold your hand?" he asked.

We left the car and stood at the door. As soon as we got there he took my hand, holding it tight. I kissed his cheek and rang the doorbell as he stood stiff, the only relaxed part of him being the hand that sat in mine.

"Who's there?" a female voice came from behind the door.
"Me Ma." Y/N said, trying to put on a confident tone. I smiled, looking up at him. He gave me a small smile back.
"Oh my daugh- son. My son." she said as she opened the door, embracing Y/N without warning. Two strikes already. Y/N tensed up in her embrace, but she didn't realise, and I squeezed his hand gently to remind him I was there. He squeezed back to tell me he was alright, and I relaxed a little.

Tara Carpenter x TransMasc Reader One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora