7 - Care

708 16 6

Requested by @Jangofettjamz 

Post Scream 6

CW for vomit!

3rd Person POV

Y/N sat in Tara's bed, sweating. He was ill, and was staying at his girlfriends house. She insisted he stay with her so that she could take care of him, so he was snuggled under a blanket in between stages of being extremely hot and freezing cold.

"Here." Tara said as she entered the room with some honey and lemon tea. Y/N sat up, shivering, as he took the tea from his girlfriends hands.

"How are you doing?" Tara asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Shit." Y/N chuckled, coughing a little. Tara smiled sympathetically.

"How is it that even when you're ill, you're still the most beautiful person i've ever seen?" she asked, admiring him. She was so in love with Y/N. Since the two had met when they began their studies in New York, she fell hard for the boy. She had never felt this way about anyone, and every part of hr body ached to be with him and care for him when he needed it, which was incredibly apparent now.

"Shut up." Y/N chuckled, pushing his hair out of his face that was stuck to his forehead from sweat. Suddenly, he went incredibly pale.

"You okay?" Tara asked, concerned. Y/N just got up and ran to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. Tara ran to him, rubbing his back as he continued to vomit. She tutted in sympathy, kissing his hair as he continued. 

"It's okay baby let it out." she said, pulling what hair he had back to make sure it wasn't getting in the way. She ran a cloth under cold water before gently dabbing his shoulders, back, and forehead with it to cool him down.

"Let me know when you're done so I can do your face." she whispered gently, pulling his hair back once more as he continued to throw up.

"Everything okay?" Sam asked, peeking her head into the bathroom.

"He'll be fine." Tara smiled. Y/N looked up at Sam and offered as much of a smile as he could, making the older girl laugh slightly.

"Let me know if you need anything." she said before leaving the bathroom. Y/N threw up one more time before looking at Tara.

"I think it's all out."

"Good. You did a great job." she said, kissing his hair and wiping his face with the cold cloth.

"You know you don't have to take care of me." Y/N smiled.

"I know." she smiled back. "I want to."

"I love you Tar." Y/N said quietly, gazing into Tara's eyes.

"I love you too." she replied, rubbing his shoulder gently. "Let's get you back to bed." Tara walked Y/N slowly back to her bed and wrapped him up in the covers, handing him a bottle of water.

"Take small sips." she advised, and he did as he was told as she put on his comfort show and got in bed with him.

"I love you so much beautiful." Y/N sighed, resting his head on Tara's shoulder. Tara sighed, smiling and wrapping him in her embrace,

"I love you too darling."


I loved this so much! Thank you so much for the request, I hope this was okay!

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