18 - Birthday

526 8 9

Scream 6 Era

Requested by @Jangofettjamz 


My alarm went off at 7am. I had set it early so I could get ready for the day. I had class at 9:30, and today was my birthday. My special day.

I know it sounds slightly narcissistic, but I love having a day just about me. It gives me a chance to feel important and loved. This was my first birthday away from home, with a new set of friends, and I was really excited to celebrate with them

I had moved to New York for University for a fresh start, and made friends with a group from California. Chad, Mindy, and Tara (and subsequently Tara's sister Sam.) and their new friends Ethan, Anika, and Quinn. Tara and I are dating, and are, as our friend Quinn says, "disgustingly in love."

I was so excited to celebrate with my new friends, and Chad had seemingly been hinting at a surprise party all week. Maybe I was just reading too much into it, but it seemed like it was shaping up to be a great day.

I styled my hair and put on my favourite shirt as I hummed the tune to "Happy Birthday," smiling as I noticed a tiny bit of stubble in the mirror. I went down to my car and drove to College around 8:30.

"Morning!" I greeted as I walked over to my friends who were sitting outside the car park, Quinn vaping and trying to get Ethan to try some.
"Hey Y/N!" Mindy smiled, putting an arm around me. "You look fancy?"
"Oh yeah." I chuckled, not sure if she was playing or not.
"You got like a job interview or something?" Chad teased.
"No just... thought I'd make an effort today."
"Valid." Quinn said, taking another puff of her vape before passing it to Ethan. "Just try one puff."
"I don't know how." Ethan wined.
"Just suck it!" Quinn yelled, frustrated.
"That's what she said." Anika chuckled, making everyone laugh. I fake chuckled to not draw attention to the fact that I was incredibly confused and upset by the fact that they seem to have forgotten my birthday.

Ethan took a puff of the vape and began coughing, making Quinn and Chad laugh. I looked around, realising my girlfriend was still not here.
"Guys where's Tara?" I asked, feeling my eyes burn.
"She woke up late, she'll be here soon. You okay?" Quinn said, noticing the water forming in my eyes.
"Yeah yeah just, tired that's all." I said, rubbing my eyes.
"Then you should probably sleep." Quinn replied, tilting her head and taking another puff of her vape.

"Can we please go inside now? It's cold." Ethan asked, wrapping his arms around himself.
"Yeah come on big baby." Quinn chuckled, getting up and leading the way into the building. Ethan and Chad followed, and I trailed behind them, my eyes stinging. I can't believe they all forgot.

I sat in my class, staring at the clock, praying for the 45 minutes to pass quickly so I could go back home and cry. But it went the slowest it could have possibly gone. When it finally ended, I immediately ran out of the room, straight past my friends who were waiting in the doorway, and got in my car. I began to cry as I drove home.

When I got in, I flopped onto my sofa and sobbed. I must've been crying for hours, because my girlfriend walked in at 4pm.

"Hey baby!" Tara said cheerfully, before noticing me cuddling a pillow and sniffling. "Hey hey what's wrong?" she asked, running to my side and holding my hand.
"Nothing." I sniffled.
"Sure. You can't lie to me, Y/N."
"It's fine, I just had a bad day... that's all..."
"Well... maybe this will cheer you up." she said, taking out a box wrapped in paper from her bag. "Happy birthday baby." she smiled, kissing me softly.
"You remembered?" 
"Of course I did! Who forgot?" she raised an eyebrow as she spoke.
"Literally everyone else."
"They're so fucking stupid oh my God. I'll make them make it up to you, but you gotta open your present first."
"Alright." I smiled, tearing the wrapping paper off. There was a smaller box on top of a larger box.
"Open the big one first." she said, kissing my temple. I opened the box and pulled out a hoodie from my favourite musician.
"Oh my God this is so fucking cool! Thanks babe!" I said, kissing her. She returned it happily, before grabbing my arm.
"Open the other one come on!" she said, resting her head on the side of mine. 

I opened the smaller box, and sat in it was a silver chain and padlock, with our initials carved into it. On a thinner chain sat the keys to the padlock, and Tara pulled them out.

"This one is yours." she said, unlocking the padlock before wrapping the chain around my neck and clamping the padlock shut. "and this is mine." she said again, putting the keys around her neck.
"Tar... It's beautiful. Thank you so much." I said. "I love you."
"I love you more birthday boy."

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