23 - Don't Go

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Inspired by 'Don't Go' by YUNGBLUD.

Slight smut and lots of angst.

Hypothetical Scream 7 Era

Content Warning for drug and alcohol use, mentions of rape, and mild violence.

~ Fine then, guess we're all out of time when I say, 'fuck you' I'm lying... I don't want you to go ~

~ Cursing your name like I'm better alone. Don't ask me if I believe me, you know I don't know ~

~ I've been getting out of my mind with everything I can find 'cause I don't want you to go ~

~ Please don't answer my calls when it's Tuesday and you know that I'm drunk and alone. I can't hear all about how i'm losing my glow ~

3rd Person POV

"Fuck her!" Y/N slurred, taking another swig of rum straight from the bottle in his hand.
"Sure man." Chad laughed, taking a shot. 
"No I'm serious, fuck Tara! Pass the blunt." he sighed, reaching to Mindy for the blunt in her hands, which she passed over with a chuckle.

Y/N and Tara had just had an incredibly messy breakup that led to him storming out of her apartment and going to Chad's place to get drunk. Thankfully, Mindy was there with weed too, so he was having a field day drowning his feelings in substance.


"You're not in charge of me!" Tara yelled, a plate in her hand, ready to throw at the boy if he moved any closer to her.
"I'm not trying to be!" he yelled back, arms up in defence. They had been having a screaming match for over an hour, and Sam was yet to get home, so there was nothing stopping them from being loud and slightly aggressive. Y/N had already thrown the TV remote, not at Tara, but still, hence Tara's plate. 

"Why the fuck do you think you can tell me what I can and can't do?" Tara screamed again. Y/N had advised her not to attend Frankie's party because of his reputation, and everything that went down on Halloween, but Tara took it as an attempt to control her. It had then blown into something uncontrollable.

"I don't! For God's sake Tara I don't!" Y/N yelled in defense, arms still in a surrender.
"You so do!!! Look at you! You're fucking CRAVING control!" Tara screamed, throwing her arms down and back up in seething anger.
"Oh forgive me for not wanting my girlfriend to get raped!"
"You're so fucking manipulative and dramatic oh my God!"
"Manipulative!? Yeah sure, that's me! I'm a class A fucking manipulator!"

The two stood in silence for a moment, before Tara put down the plate and ran a hand through her hair.

"Well at least you're self aware." she sighed.
"Holy shit." Y/N laughed angrily, grabbing his hair and yanking it down so it was messy and stuck to his forehead with sweat. Normally that would turn Tara on, but right now it made her want to punch him in his smug little face.

"I swear to God you're such a dick!" she yelled again, slamming her fists on the counter.
"That makes two of us!" Y/N remarked, walking closer to her.
"Take another step towards me and you're dead." Tara yelled, picking up the plate once more.
"You wouldn't."
"I've fought off two sets of killers, you have no fucking idea what I'm capable of." her eyes turned dark as she said that. 
"You weren't in love with them though." Y/N said, attempting to calm her down and give himself leverage over the killers, trying to rationalise her thoughts.
"How the fuck do you know?" Tara yelled once more. "You didn't fucking know me then!"
"Last year?! Newsflash, we were fucking dating then, idiot!"
"But you didn't know me in Woodsboro you piece of shit!"
"You were NOT in love with Richie you liar! He was dating your fucking sister!"
"I never said anything about Richie!"

Tara Carpenter x TransMasc Reader One ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt