20 - Brave (Autistic Y/N)

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CW for ableism and mentions of symptoms of autistic meltdowns! Feel free to skip if any of these topics are sensitive for you!

Clarification: I am autistic, so this is based off my own experience as well as the things mentioned in the request.

Requested by Jangofettjamz

Hypothetical Scream 7 Era, no ghostface AU (Amber, Wes, and Liv attend college with the core 4, as well as Quinn, Ethan, and Anika still being in the group too.)


I met Tara when I moved to New York for college last year. It was a huge change for me, and I fucking hate change. But she helped me ease right into a regular routine. I have moved into the apartment just above hers, and the moment we collided in the corridor I fell straight for her.


I was in a rush, I had slept through my alarm and was incredibly overwhelmed, with my mind focussed on getting me to class. I had my backpack on, but hadn't had enough time to pack it, so all my books were in my arms. I kept my head low. Just as I walked into the lobby, I crashed straight into someone.

"Holy shit I'm sorry." she said, bending down to help me pick up my books.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled over and over again, watching her. She chuckled at me, handing the books over.
"It's alright. What's your name?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. I felt instantly relaxed in her presence.
"Uh Y/N." I smiled.
"Well 'Uh Y/N.'" she chuckled, making me laugh too. "I hope to see you around. I'm Tara."
"Nice to meet you Tara."
"You too."


After that interaction I bumped into her a couple more times, and one day we saw each other on campus.


"Oh my God Y/N!" she shouted, running up to me. She had five girls with her. I didn't hear her at first because I had my headphones on. I felt her tap on my shoulder and flinched, hating sudden contact but when I saw it was her I relaxed.

"Tara? I didn't know you came to Blackmore."
"I didn't know you came either!"
"Who's this cutie?" one of her friends asked. I later learned her name is Quinn.
"Guys this is Y/N, he lives in our apartment! Y/N this is Quinn, Mindy, Anika, Amber, and Liv.
"Hey." they all said, practically in unison.
"Hi." I mumbled, waving a little. "It's great to meet some of Tara's friends."
"You're such a cutie oh my God." Quinn said once again.
"Leave the poor boy alone." Mindy replied. "Sorry about her."
"N-no it's okay-"
"See he said it's okay!"
"Alright guys leave him be." Tara chuckled, somehow noticing my discomfort that I have spent my whole life learning to mask.

The girls walked away, muttering to one another. 

"So," Tara smiled "how's my favourite neighbour?"


After a few more weeks of casually interacting with one another, she invited me to a party at her house. I was yet to tell her about my autism, and I knew I would get overwhelmed at the party, and yet, like an idiot, I agreed to go. I wanted to impress her. This was when I had my first meltdown in front of her.


"Y/NNN!" she said excitedly as I entered. She was already tipsy. I flinched at the loud music. I loved music. In fact, it was music that I used to ground myself often. But when it was this loud, mixed with all the other sounds, it was already incredibly overwhelming. 

"Hi." I said quietly, scolding myself in my mind for not bringing some discreet ear plugs.
"Let's get you a drink!" she said, dragging me to the kitchen. There were flashing lights everywhere, and I squeezed my eyes shut as all my senses began to be overloaded.
"What do you drink?" she asked, grabbing me a red solo cup.
"Uh... I like rum." I said quietly, attempting to focus my attention on the mirrorball. I love mirrorballs.
"Rum... and coke?"
She handed me the cup and I took a drink. It was very strong. I usually liked it strong, but my senses were heightened to the point where I could taste every single flavour possible in the drink.

Tara Carpenter x TransMasc Reader One ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt