6 - Sacrifice

708 17 6

Requested by @JanEzrao0 

TW for gore and a transphobic slur!

Scream 6 Era


I ran through the abandoned movie theatre, knocking over bits of the shrine created for the movies that started this sick ordeal. 

I had met Tara at College when I became Chad and Ethan's roommate. She had opened up to me about the ghostface attacks in Woodsboro a few weeks after we started dating. She said she owed it to me after I opened up to her about my identity. It didn't bother me, mainly because it didn't bother her. She seemed to have moved on and had no fear that it would come back to haunt her, and I trusted that. Of course I did. She lived it, it was her experience, and if she felt it was nothing to worry about, then why would I worry about it?

The joys of rooming with Chad meant that I had multiple connections into the group and quickly became a member, gaining friends, instead of just being "Tara's boyfriend." I quickly got close with the group and realised that Sam had a lot more anxieties about the attacks than Tara due to her relation to the original killer. Mindy was a huge horror nerd, like me, so she wasn't too traumatised by the events, but rather nerding out over them. Chad was a very casual guy, and always felt casual about the situation, so I never pushed. The rest of the group had never experienced an attack, so we tried to stay out of it.

Then it was just me and Ethan left. We thought we had lost Quinn first. The scene was a bloodbath, but we had just found out this was just an elaborate plan to disguise her identity as ghostface, set up by her ghostface father and ghostafe brother (being Ethan, someone I considered a close friend.) I had run with Tara and Chad away from the scene, so I wasn't there when we lost Anika. I'm really glad about that. I loved Anika, and the way Sam, Danny, and Mindy talk about it, it's horrible. I felt really awful for Mindy, watching her girlfriend die that way. I could never imagine watching Tara die. It pained me to think about.

But here I was, in what Mindy calls the "3rd Act Final Battle." I was pretty surprised to be allowed in, since Sam didn't let Danny in, but Tara insisted on my presence. I suppose it was a situation of only Sam really knowing Danny, but the whole group knew me, and were pretty certain I wasn't ghostface, since I never left Tara's side throughout the whole ordeal.

Chad had just been stabbed, in which I had already earned a gash on my cheek trying to protect him, and I had no idea where Tara was. My only initiative was to find her and protect her. 

"Y/N!" I heard Sam shout. I turned around to see her on top of a balcony, gripping onto Tara as she hung with Ethan swinging his knife underneath her.

"Shit!" I shouted, charging towards Ethan and rugby tackling him to the ground.

"Motherfucker!" Ethan cursed. I held him down as Tara continued to swing.

"I'll catch you Tar!" I yelled from the ground. "Let go and I'll get off him and catch you."

"Okay." Tara whimpered, sounding incredibly uncertain. I saw her fall as I leapt off Ethan and caught Tara just before she could hit the ground. She giggled slightly, but the moment was ruined with Ethan diving on her.

"I've always wanted to stick something in you Tara!" he laughed as he hovered over her, his knife inches away from her, with only her strength holding the knife away. I once again dived, taking him off her, but getting my arm cut in the process. I winced as I got off him, kicking him in the face, knocking out a few teeth.

"Fuck you man." I said as the hot blood oozed down my arm. "I thought we were fucking friends!" I yelled, stomping on his stomach. He laughed in response.

Tara Carpenter x TransMasc Reader One ShotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя