13 - Roberts Pt.1

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Suggested by labcarly

Listening to Scott Street by Phoebe Bridgers while writing this and crying

Scream 5 Era

3rd Person POV

Tara has been attacked, come quick.

The message flashed up on Y/N's phone from his best friend, Wes. His heart sank as he read the words, and he immediately got off the couch and ran to the door. He caught a glimpse of the photo of his deceased sister posing with him when the two were children, and he didn't even connect the dots at the time. He just kissed his finger as he always did and placed it gently on his sister's face. She was none other than Jill Roberts, and whilst he was ashamed of everything she had done and all the pain she had caused, he still loved her greatly.

Y/N got into his car and drove to Woodsboro Community Hospital. He was speeding, but he didn't care. He had to see his girlfriend.

He and Tara had been dating since Freshman year. He was absolutely smitten for her, and knew she felt the same. Last night was the first night that Tara's mom had been away that he hadn't stayed with her, and he was very much regretting that. He lived on his own now, given the majority of his family were dead and his cousin Sidney had moved out of Woodsboro to get away from everything after his sister had been on her massacre, which was the 4th that Sidney had lived through, so he spent most of his time at Tara's or with his friends.

When he arrived at the hospital, the very same he had just got back from 6 months when he had top surgery, and the very same he was treated at after he was stabbed by his own sister in 2011, he ran to the front desk.

"Tara Carpenter, where is she??" he practically yelled at the receptionist.
"What is your relation to the patient?" the woman behind the desk asked.
"I'm her boyfriend!" he yelled once again, panic surging through him. He was desperate to see her, hold her.
"Room 103."
Before any more questions could be asked, Y/N ran to the elevator. He tapped his foot anxiously as he waited for the elevator to reach the correct floor. When it did, he ran to 103. He walked straight in without knocking, and found the room full of his friends. They all turned to face him at the same time, but he ignored the stares, not noticing the undertone of suspicion in the room, and immediately knelt down by his girlfriend.

"Tar oh my God." he breathed, taking hold of the hand that wasn't wrapped in a bandage. "What the hell happened?"
"Someone got into my house and... stabbed me." she replied. She knew stabbing was a sensitive topic for him. Afterall, he had been stabbed 37 times by his own sister when he was just 9 years old.
"Holy shit." he said, almost whispering. "Thank God you're alive."
"Yeah." she smiled. She was incredibly relieved to see his face, but also anxious. The entire group suspected him, but he had no idea. He didn't even realise it was a Ghostface attack.

"Do you know who did it?" he asked, kissing her hand. 
"I..." she started, but was interrupted by Amber.
"Where were you last night?" she asked, tone laced in suspicion.
"I uh... at home? Nothing significant."
"Can anyone vouch for you?" Mindy asked, a lot less harsh, but still cautiously.

"Tara can! I was at her house the night before, but I had to go home to prepare for school. Right, Tar?" he asked his girlfriend. She just stayed silent.
"Tar?" he asked again.
"I... I don't know if you were actually at home... you could've been..."

"What the hell is going on?" Y/N asked, incredibly confused.

"It was someone in a fucking ghostface mask." Wes said. Y/N froze as the room fell silent.

"Hey come on man, let's get you some water or something." Chad said, putting an arm around Y/N and taking him out of the room. The y/e/c boy looked as though he was going to pass out, so Chad sat him on a chair outside Tara's hospital room and handed him a plastic cup with water in it. He took a sip as he stared at the jock.

Tara Carpenter x TransMasc Reader One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz