24 - Sick (Autistic Y/N)

667 13 6

Requested by @Jangofettjamz

Hypothetical Scream 7 Era 

AU in which Tara is a med student

3rd Person POV

Y/N laid in his bed, coughing violently. He hated being ill. He was supposed to be meeting Tara for a date, and hated cancelling plans, so I peeled himself out of bed so he didn't disappoint his girlfriend and ruin the days schedule.

He pulled on a hoodie and sweatpants and went to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, gagging on the brush as he coughed. He applied his Testostogel as he felt himself start to burn up, suddenly boiling hot. Sighing, he leant over his sink and splashed cold water onto his face.

"Baby I'm here!" he heard from the living room. It was Tara.
"I'll be out in a second." he croaked, before coughing again.
"Are you alright baby?" asked Tara, sounding concerned as she made her way to the bathroom.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine." he lied.
"I'm coming in." she sighed.

Y/N was sat shirtless with his back pressed against the bath, attempting to cool himself down. He was sweating, his hair stuck to his forehead, and his face was pale and discoloured.

"Oh baby you're sick."
"I'm fine." Y/N insisted, but began coughing violently as soon as he finished speaking.
"You are not fine honey." Tara sighed, sitting beside him and rubbing his back. "That's a real nasty cough."
"I've had worse."
"You need to see a doctor my love."
"No I don't."
"Trust me, you do."

Y/N was incredibly adamant about not visiting a doctor, taking an unusual firm tone with his girlfriend as he protested.

"Why not?" Tara asked, brushing his hair out of his face.
"I hate doctors." he said. Tara smirked a little, as she was training to become one. "No offense." added Y/N. 
"None taken." chuckled Tara. "But why?"
"They're just so condescending and rude." he sighed, resting his head on his girlfriend's shoulder.
"Well how about I check you over?" smiled Tara, kissing the top of his head. "I'm kinda almost qualified, and you trust me more than a random doctor. I'll be gentle." There was a small pause as Y/N thought about the offer being presented to him.
"Great." smiled Tara. "I've got all my stuff back at my apartment, I'll drive you."

The two drove to Tara's apartment that she shared with her sister Sam, who was laid on the sofa with her boyfriend Danny when they arrived.

"Oh hey!" Sam smiled as they walked in. "I thought you two were going on a date?"
"Y/N's sick." Tara said, kissing his cheek. "I'm gonna give him a look over."
"Oh." Sam said, sounding slightly disappointed but a smile remained on her face.
"Are we interrupting something?" Tara giggled, a teasing tone laced in her voice.
"Shut your mouth." Sam chuckled, making Tara laugh. Y/N and Danny chuckled too. 

While the sisters conversed, Danny beckoned Y/N over.

"How are you doing?" Danny asked the younger boy. The two had bonded the previous year, when Danny met Sam, after Mindy opted to call them 'The Carpenter Boyfriends.'
"I feel like shit." Y/N chuckled.
"Good thing Tara's training to be a doctor, huh." Danny chuckled.
"Yeah. I don't know what I'd do without her."
"I know how you feel brother." smiled the older boy. "We're pretty lucky huh." he added, looking at the sisters laughing with one another.
"Very lucky." Y/N smiled.

"Right Danny we'll go to your place." Sam smiled, covering Tara's mouth before she could make any more inappropriate jokes. 
"Yes boss." Danny chuckled, getting up off the couch. "Take care champ." he smiled to Y/N before leaving with Sam, who couldn't stop laughing at something Tara had said. Tara took a deep breath, calming herself down after winding up her sister, before turning to Y/N.

"Right baby, you go sit in the bathroom, I'll be in with all my stuff in a minute."

Y/N did as he was instructed and sat on the countertop in the bathroom, playing with his hands. Tara came in soon after.

"Right sweetie can you take your shirt off please?" she asked, taking out a thermometer, stethoscope, and sphygmomanometer. Y/N took his shirt off, coughing slightly.

"Great job." she smiled, putting the thermometer on his head. "100.4, that's way over where you should be baby." she sighed.
"Where should I be?" stuttered Y/N.
"About 98.6."
"It's not insanely over then!" Y/N protested.
"It's about the temperature of a fever, love. Let me check your heart rate."

She put the stethoscope in her ears and placed the other end over his heart. He flinched at the cold feeling, and Tara quickly realised his heart was racing.

"Hey baby it's alright." she smiled gently. "Are you panicking?"
"Okay that's alright. Take some deep breaths with me, in and out," she began, guiding him with her own breathing, but he began to cry. "Oh sweet boy, come here." she smiled, approaching him. "Am I okay to touch you?" she asked. He nodded, and she wrapped her arms around his torso and rocked him back and forth gently, resting her head on his chest. He put his head on top of hers as they rocked for a few minutes, his breathing slowly matching hers to the point where he was a lot calmer.

"Are you okay to keep going?" Tara asked, kissing his chest.
"Yeah... yeah keep going." he replied, sitting back and breathing deeply.
"You're doing such a great job, I'm just gonna check your breathing now." 

Tara placed the stethoscope just under Y/N's ribs, listening to his breathing.

"Okay there's a bit of a wheeze and a crackle there." 
"Like you, wheezy." Y/N chuckled. Tara laughed, an offended expression on her face. Y/N started calling her wheezy whenever her asthma played up.
"Um, firstly, fuck you." she laughed, Y/N laughing too. "Secondly, can you please turn around so I can listen from your back?"

He did as Tara asked and relaxed as she began drawing circled with her thumb just under where the stethoscope was placed. 

"All signs pointing to a fever so far, can I just check your blood pressure to make sure there's nothing else going on?" she asked. Y/N nodded, turning back around and giving her his arm. She wrapped the sphygmomanometer around it and began squeezing the pump.

"Your fingers feeling tingly yet?" she asked with a smile.
"Yeah." Y/N smiled back.
"Right well," Tara began, removing the sphygmomanometer, "looks like a fever to me. I say we get you tucked up in bed and we can watch whatever you want. I'll make you some soup."
"Can we watch (your comfort show/movie)?"
"Of course we can baby."

A/N -

Hey guys! I'm back (I think) haha! Sorry it took so long for me to get this chapter out, I've been so overwhelmed at the moment. But I'm hoping to be back to regular updates! 

I had to reference my friend's nickname for me (wheezy) in this chapter. I am asthmatic and love that Tara is realistic asthmatic representation. Most asthmatic people in film and TV are portrayed to loners and stuff, but Tara isn't and that makes me happy.


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