9 - Coming Back

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Requested by JanEzrao0

Hypothetical Scream 7 Era

3rd Person POV

"Happy Birthday Tara!" Sam, Mindy, and Chad cheered as Tara entered the room on the morning of her birthday. It was certainly not a happy birthday. The ghostface attacks had recently started back up for the third time in her experience, and it reminded her everyday of losing her boyfriend to the previous attacks.

Tara and Y/N had been dating since Tara began her studies in New York, and in the final fight with the three ghostfaces, Y/N was gutted by Ethan Landry. Gutted. 

She gave a small smile at the group as Mindy approached her with a cake as the group sang. She blew out the candles as Chad encouraged her to make a wish. And so she did. She wished for Y/N to come back. She knew he could help with the situation, she needed him.

"What did you wish for?" Sam asked, smiling.

"I can't tell you, or else it won't come true."


"HOLY SHIT!" Tara screamed, slamming the door in ghostface's face. She pushed a cabinet up against the door as the person behind it used all their weight in an attempt to slam it open.

"FUCK!" she screamed as she ran into the bathroom.

"Go out of the window." she heard behind her. She looked in the bathroom doorway to see her dead boyfriend standing there. She stared in shock.

"Oh, and happy birthday beautiful!" Y/N smiled.

"What. the fuck." Tara said, jumping out of her moment as another loud bang came from the bedroom. "You're dead!! Holy shit am I going insane???" she added, shaking and crying.

"I uh... I dunno. But don't cry, please. Just listen to me." Y/N said, rubbing his neck. "I just sort of, arrived here? I can only interfere if it involves you guys, my loved ones, I guess. Something to do with a wish? I don't really know. But right now you've gotta get out. The window is unlocked, and I moved the ladder so that you can climb down it safely. Sam is on her way." he reassured, ushering her to the window. Tara did as he said, climbing out of the window and down the ladder. He followed.

When they reached the ground, Tara flung her arms around him. He felt dead.

"You're dead." she said, grabbing his face.

"Yeah." he chuckled. "But I'm sort of back? Just until you know what you're doing."

"How? I'm so fucking confused." Tara chuckled, staring at his lips.

"I really don't know. But I am. And you should just do it. What you're thinking about." he said, referring to her looking at his lips. Tara connected their lips passionately. His felt cold, much colder than before. But the texture was the same, and somehow, still had that familiar taste of mint chocolate and vanilla that she knew so well.

"That was lovely, I missed that. But I need you to listen Tar." Y/N whispered against her lips. Tara pulled away, holding both his hands that used to be warm, but were now freezing.

"You know this ghostface. I don't know who they are, but I know you know them. There are two. A guy and a girl. Keep your eyes open and trust no one. They're wearing bullet-proof vests, so unless you're sure you can aim for the head a gun will be useless. Try a long knife, or a heavy object. But you know all of that I'm sure. Stick with Sam, she knows what she's doing. Do not leave her side unless she insists otherwise. I moved everything around to make escape more accessible, and your knives are locked in Sam's safe so they can't hide them. The passcode is 1372."

"1372." Tara repeated.

"It's almost over Tar. You're so close, and I'm gonna be by your side the whole way, and after." Y/N said, kissing her again. She kissed him back, hard. 

"I've gotta go Tar. You know what you're doing. I love you so so much." He said one last time.

"I love you too." 


I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you so much for the request! 

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