10 - Sacrifice

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Suggested by @labcarly

CW for gore and slight smut in the beginning!

10 Years Post-Scream 6


I grumbled slightly as I rolled over in bed, the sun peeking through the curtains of my shared room with my beautiful life, hurting my already tired eyes.

"Morning my love." I heard my wifes voice next to me as I faced her.

"Morning beautiful." I kissed her bare shoulder and snuggled into her chest. She chuckled slightly as her hand met my hair. "It's too bright." I mumbled into her, making her laugh slightly. 

"You have to get up. You've got work, plus the school run." she smiled, kissing my hair and gently pushing me away.

"What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"6:30..." she said as she looked at the alarm clock.

"The kids won't be up for another half hour at least..." I smirked.

"Really?" she cocked her head, smiling at what I was alluding to. "You wanna risk that?"

"I'd risk the world for you." I smiled, which convinced her. She leaned in and got on top of me, kissing me passionately. This was my favourite wake up call. I grumbled slightly in pleasure and she slid her tongue into my mouth. I felt her smile as I grabbed her breasts, rubbing them gently.

"Fuck Y/N." she smiled, before a knock came at our door, making us both groan.

"Shit." I sighed. Tara rolled off of me and put on a robe as she walked over to the door. Stood there was our youngest of three children, Maya.

"Hello beautiful girl." Tara smiled, picking her up for a good morning cuddle. Maya was 5 and had just recently started kindergarten. Our other kids were Cora, who was 7, and Cooper, who was 9, but they both seemed to still be fast asleep. Since I was trans and really struggled with the strict gender norms enforced on me as a kid, me and Tara agreed we would raise our kids with the notion that they can be whoever they wanna be and like whatever they wanna like, so Maya was currently wearing dinosaur pyjamas since they were her favourite thing at the moment.

"Morning mommy." Maya smiled, kissing Tara on the cheek, something she picked up from me.

"Hey princess!" I smiled, making her smile too. "Are you ready for another fun day of learning?" I asked. She nodded, almost violently, making me and Tara laugh.

"Let's get you washed and dressed then." Tara smiled, kissing me lightly. "Can you get the other two up?" 

"On it." I said, kissing her back. With that, Tara left the room, still carrying Maya, and I peeled myself out of bed and put on a shirt and trousers before knocking on my eldest girl's bedroom door.

"Cora honey, it's nearly 7am. Time to get up." I said. When no answer came, I let myself in and turned on her light. There she was, my first girl, fast asleep, hugging an elmo teddy that she has had since she was born, courtesy of her auntie Sam.

"Cora." I smiled, pushing her hair out of her face gently. She opened her eyes sleepily, but smiled when she saw me.

"Morning daddy." she said sleepily.

"Morning honey. Your clothes are set out on your dresser, what do you want for breakfast?" I asked, knowing Tara had picked her clothes out and ironed them the previous night.

"Toast and jam." she said, pushing herself up on her arms.

"Great. You get ready for school, that'll be ready for you when you come down." I kissed her hair. She nodded at my instructions, getting out of bed. Once I knew she was up, I went to my son's room.

Tara Carpenter x TransMasc Reader One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang