3 - Fear

859 20 4

Scream 5 Era

Dewey and Gale son Y/N


"Who was that?" I asked my dad as he put on a coat and looked as if he was about to leave the trailer and go after the two strangers that just left.

"You need to go to New York and stay with your mother for a while." He said sternly, opening the door.

"Huh? Why? I love Woodboro." I said, sighing a opening the fridge.

"Ghostface is back. But don't panic."

"Holy shit." I said, taking a sip of water I just took out of the fridge.

"Yeah... just, promise you'll go to New York by tomorrow."

"I don't want to put mom in danger though." I said, thinking about the possibility of me being a target. I was a target in 2011 when I was only 7, why would I be safe now?

"I..." Dad said, looking down and scratching the back of his neck. "Do you know Tara Carpenter?"

Why was dad bringing up my crush? Who told him about it? Why is he mentioning this now?

"Uh yeah. I really like her, who told you about her? I'll talk about my crushes with you at a more appropriate time pops." I said, taking some milk from the fridge.

"Shit. Son." He said, and he sounded serious.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning to him.

"Ghostface attacked her."

My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. 

"She's alive. Sorry, I should've led with that. That was her sister, she wants my help." Dad said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm helping." I said, a wave of anger hitting me. I sat next to Tara in English, and while she barely knew me, I had liked her since I first laid eyes on her. I wasn't gonna let this motherfucker get away with hurting her.

"Woah no you're not. You're calling your mother and you're-" I didn't even let him finish, I just ran up to the distant bodies walking away. "Stupid boy." I heard him mutter as he ran towards me.

"HEY!" I shouted, catching the attention of the girl and boy.

"Hi?" The boy asked.

"I'm a friend- well, I know Tara." I said, noticing the pain on the girls face. "You're Sam." I pieced together. Tara had told me about Sam when we had a project to write about our families. She seemed to feel pretty sad when she spoke of her, so I was weary of the girl.

"Yeah, hi." She smiled, extending a hand. I shook it cautiously. "Wait, you're-"

"My idiot son." Dad said chuckling, still limping towards us. "He wants to help, despite me telling him to go stay with his mother.

"Not when this motherfucker is hurting people I care about."

"Especially when he is." Dad said sternly. Sam just smiled.

"How do you know Tara?" she asked.

"We sit together in English." I smiled, a blush coming up to my face, which Sam definitely noticed a her smile was replaced with a smirk.

"Do you want to see her?" She asked, walking towards her car.


"You can see her Y/N but I want to meet with these kids first." Dad said, catching up.

"Wait, you're gonna help?" The boy, who I later learned was called Richie, asked.

"Yeah." Dad smiled, but I could feel the tension emitting from his body.

Tara Carpenter x TransMasc Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now