8 - Self Pity

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Scream 6 Era

3rd Person POV

He was dead. Y/N's childhood best friend Taylor had been a victim of ghostface, and he had witnessed him die. 

They were in his, Chad, and Ethan's apartment, just catching up. Since they went to different colleges, they met up every Tuesday night for dinner. But this time around, ghostface got into the apartment and gutted Taylor right in front of him.

Now he was laid in his bed, staring at the roof. He hadn't spoken a word since it happened two days ago, and was just staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Baby? It's Tara. Let me in please?" Tara, Y/N's girlfriend, asked as she waited for an answer. When the answer didn't come, she opened the door slightly and peeked in.

"Y/N?" she asked again, looking at the lump in the sheets. He shuffled, indicating to her that he was still alive. She walked in and sat on the end of his bed.

"Hey. Talk to me." she said quietly, pulling the covers off him. He was a mess, his hair was all over, his eyes were red raw and tear stained with dark circles under them, and dry snot under his nostrils. Tara's heart ached at the sight. 

"Oh baby." she sighed, brushing his hair out of his face. "Talk to me, I'm here for you." she reassured. Y/N opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it again as memories of what he had recently experienced flooded his mind. 

"Okay. You don't wanna talk. That's okay." Tara smiled, playing with his hair. "Let me know if you need anything. You don't have to say it but, write it down? Text it? I dunno." she chuckled. Y/N smiled very slightly, but enough for Tara to know.

"Hey, so. I have an idea." the girl smiled. "I'll run you a bath, and you can relax there while I change your sheets and send Chad to the store for snacks. Then, you can put on some fresh pyjamas, and we can eat the snacks that Chad bought and watch anything you want!" Y/N nodded slightly.

"Yay! Do you want me to help you undress or...?" Tara asked. Y/N nodded again as Tara went to run the bath in his en suite, putting in salts and bubbles before pulling him out of bed, undressing him, and helping him into the bath.

"One second, I'll be right back." Tara said, kissing Y/N on the forehead before leaving.

"Chad, will you run to the store and get some snacks for Y/N?" she asked, leaning against the door frame of Y/N's room.

"Yeah sure, of course." Chad nodded, grabbing his car keys. "Anyone want anything?"

"Chocolate milk." Mindy said, making everyone chuckle.

"Great." Chad smiled, leaving.

"How's he doing?" Ethan asked.

"Not great. I got him in the bath, I'm gonna change his sheets now."

"Has he spoken yet?" asked Sam.

"Not yet. I'm just giving him time." Tara smiled sadly before going back into Y/N's room and changing his sheets.

"T-Tar?" Y/N said quietly. Tara ran into the bathroom, smiling that he had finally spoken.

"Yeah baby?" she asked.

Y/N held up his hands that were pruning "I think I should get out." he chuckled weakly. Tara smiled incredibly wide seeing him experience a happy emotion, and even speaking.

"Okay baby okay." she laughed, grabbing him a towel and helping him out. "You get dry, I've got your fresh pyjamas here." she smiled, handing him some soft silk pyjamas.

"Thanks beautiful." he said as he kissed her cheek gently. Tara could bring out the best in Y/N, and she made him happy even when it seemed impossible. He changed into the pyjamas after drying off and put on some slippers before going into the living room. Everyone stared at him sympathetically.

"Hey guys." he said quietly, waving a little. Everyone waved back with a smile.

"What are we watching then Y/N/N?" Mindy asked, using a nickname derived from an old inside joke, making the boy smile. He sat down next to her as Tara sat next to him and Chad placed the snacks in a bowl on the coffee table (including chocolate milk).

"Um... (your favourite movie)?"

"Sure." Sam smiled. Ethan put the movie on as Y/N leaned on Tara, eventually falling asleep in her arms.


I hope you enjoyed this! Another great request that I really loved writing!

Tara Carpenter x TransMasc Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now