11 - Bully

647 15 5

Suggested by Jangofettjamz

Scream 6 Era

TW for transphobia!

3rd Person POV

Y/N knocked on the door of his girlfriend's apartment, tears streaming down his face. The excessive locks on the door clanged as someone attempted to unlock it, and he wiped his busted lip as he waited.

"Y/N?" Quinn asked as she stood in the doorway. "Holy shit what happened?"

"I uh... I don't really wanna talk about it. Is Tara here?" he asked, wiping away some more tears that were spilling. 

"She's on her way back from Mindy and Anika's place... come in you can wait in here." Quinn smiled sympathetically, putting an arm around the boy.

"Thank you." he smiled sadly, walking in with her.

"BABE? ARE YOU COMING BACK?" a voice came from Quinn's room. Y/N laughed.

"Who is it this time?" he asked, sitting on the sofa.

"James, from the party last weekend." Quinn replied, pouring Y/N a glass of water and handing it to him.

"Nice." Y/N smiled, but he was still shaking as he took the water. "Go back to him, I'll wait for Tara on my own."

"You sure?" Quinn smiled, tilting her head slightly.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Y/N said, but he was lying. As soon as Quinn was back in her room, he broke down into sobs. His eye, cheek, and lip stung from being punched, and the event he had just endured played repeatedly in his mind.


"Stupid fucking tranny." one guy laughed at he cornered Y/N, his friends surrounding every possible gap he could escape through.

"Look I don't want any trouble." Y/N said, holding his hands up in fear. The group laughed, mocking him.

"Shut the fuck up." another guy said, laughing as he punched Y/N in the gut, making him curl over in pain as the group cackled once more. Another blow landed in his jaw, and yet another to his mouth. He fell to the ground as he was kicked multiple times in the sides, being called countless slurs.

Once he came to, all he could think about was being held by his girlfriend.


 As he was in full sobbing mode, Tara burst in the door laughing, Mindy and Anika with her. The laughter from all three immediately stopped as soon as they saw him. 

He stopped crying to look up at them. 

"Oh hey." he sniffled, faking a smile. Tara dashed towards him and grabbed his hand.

"Baby what happened. Why is your lip bust? Why do you have a black eye? Who did this to you? Why are you crying?" she said panicked, not stopping for breaths as she checked him over.

"Someone ganged up on me. Some... uh... transphobes." he said that last part quietly.

"Oh shit." Tara said, pulling him into a hug as he cried.

"Who the fuck did this to you?" Mindy asked. "Because I swear to God i'll kill them."

"I don't know." Y/N laughed through sobs, appreciative of Mindy's allyship.

"Do you want us to go?" Anika asked sweetly.

"Go to Sam's room, she's at therapy till 11." Tara smiled. The two left the room, Mindy still seething that someone could've done this to one of her friends.

"Baby baby." Tara soothed, playing with Y/N's hair as he cried into her chest. "Hey, you're alright you're safe my love."

"I'm sorry." he apologised through sobs.

"It's okay my love it's not your fault!" she smiled, kissing the top of his head. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." the boy replied, sniffling.

"How are your cuts?" Tara asked, lifting his face up to examine him.

"Okay I think." he sniffled. "It hurts a little but, it's more... what they said... that hurts me." Tara looked at him for elaboration, and he explained what had happened.

"Oh baby." she said, brushing his hair out of his face. "You are more of a man than any of them."

"Really?" he said, wiping his eyes on the sleeve of his hoodie.

"Yes. Who are they, or anyone else for that matter, to invalidate you like that? They don't know you. But I do. You are the most handsome, intelligent, talented, caring, and all around incredible boyfriend in the whole fucking world." she said, pulling his head down to her lap as he laid on her, playing with his hair.

"I love you Y/N, by beautiful boy."

"I love you more." he mumbled into her lap.

"Not possible."

The two stayed like that for an hour until Sam walked in.

"Oh hey Y/N." she said, before seeing the state he was in. "Are you okay?"

"Thanks to Tara." he smiled, shutting his eyes contently as Tara played with his hair.

Sam smiled, kissing her sister on the head before opening her bedroom door.

"WAIT SAM DON'T GO IN-" Tara yelled, but it was too late.

"OH MY GOD!!!!" Sam screamed, covering her eyes, and Y/N and Tara could hear loud laughter from Mindy and embarrassed giggles from Anika.

A/N -

I hope you enjoyed! I loved writing this, it was such a good idea! Thank you so so much for the request!!! 

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