Arc 2.20

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Basil chuckled to himself as he walked into the forest ignoring the stares that fell on him. He liked it. He liked it a lot.

He had never gotten this happy about someone. Never imagined that someone would make him this happy. He liked the feeling, the rush of it, he liked Haldir.

A weird giggle left his mouth as he skipped his way into the forest. He remembered the hug, the way Haldir had held him so close like he was afraid he might disappear. Does that mean Haldir liked him too, even if it was not like, he surely had great affection for him, for Basil.

He grinned again. There was a ball of fire in his chest that radiated pure joy and happiness. It made him feel giddy and dizzy as if he was drunk on fruit wine.

He licked his lips. Everything that had happened to him was definitely worth it since he got to meet Haldir.

Basil had always craved power but the future was blurry and dark. What would he do after he devoured Elvina; He had no idea. His upbringing did not let him have such dreams but it was as if right now, the future had cleared. They could do anything, be anything.

They could open a shop and sell herbs and other concoctions. They could teach at the Elvina, no they probably would not want him to teach there. There was so much he could do. Maybe he would work at the consortium and then Haldir would teach at the Academy, after work, he would wait for him and they would go home together.

Basil shook his head, that would not do. Those students keep eyeing Haldiur like a piece of catfish and he also does not want to spend so much time away from him. 

He flew up a tree and continued to think. They could open a bakery and sell that sweet that Haldir liked to feed him. No, that would do, those sweet treats were just for him, he didn't want to share it with anyone.

They could open a daycare and teach young children. It would not take much of their time and they can earn money from it. No, he hated children, his mind generously supplied.

What else could they do? Basil shook his head, they had an entire lifetime to slowly sort it out.

"Basil!" A voice called out and Basil looked down. Three men were standing under the tree, there were two middle-aged men and a young woman of Haldir's age. Edward, Luke and Alina. The light of his silver orbs dimmed.

How funny the world is! These are the three people who had cajoled him after his graduation presenting a letter from his mother which pleaded with him to save the dark elves. These are also the three people who led Elvina to the cave where he was recuperating.

"Basil! Merry Meet! My name is Edward Thornhill, I am your cousin twice removed. This is Luke, he is the custodian of our village and this is Alina, our priestess, she was your mother's friend's daughter."

Basil almost scoffed. He had to have been blind not to notice how they formed ties and links to him in order to manipulate him then. What cousin removed, what mother's friend's daughter, when the light elves wanted to kill him where had they all been?

His lips rose into a smile, and when he spoke, his voice was pleasantly gentle like flowing water, "But I don't know you people. I have never seen you before. What are you looking for me for?"

Edward, who was leading the conversation froze, the young man had a pleasant demeanour but he could not determine the depth in his eyes. His stare was cold and for a second, Edward felt like there was a serpent strangling him by the throat making it difficult for him to breathe.

However Edward did not run, while he was filled with fear, his entire being was filled with awe. As expected of the youth who had accomplished what thousands of dark elves could not do for centuries, he was simply amazing. Extraordinary.

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