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*Read the note at the end of this chapter*

Rubab's brother Joheb reached Darwish's house after three hours after her call. He was stuck in horrible traffic due to construction works on the main road. In the meantime, he tried his best to contact Rubab again but her phone was switched off. His anxiety for her kept increasing since her phone was switched off. He was hoping his sister was ok.

Entering the house Joheb was baffled by the scenery in front of him. He blinked his eyes repeatedly due to confusion. He found Darwish's family along with Rubab in the dining space. They were having lunch since it was lunchtime. Joheb was surprised to see Rubab as absolutely normal. In fact, she was laughing and talking to Darwish. He noticed her blushing when Darwish started feeding her with his own hands.

Joheb came out of his shocked state after hearing Rubab's voice. She called sounding surprised," Joheb?"

" When did you come?" She questioned taking steps towards Joheb. 

Joheb grabbed her arms," Rubi, are you alright?"

" What? What will happen to me?" Rubab sounded surprised by his question. " Look, I am absolutely fine," She smiled at him. 

Joheb wasn't convinced by the smile on her face," A few hours ago you called me. You were crying and asked me to take you back home. What happened?"

" I was crying!" Rubab sounded surprised. " I called you and asked about Mamma and Baba's well-being. I wasn't crying," She said making Joheb question his sanity. 

While Rubab was talking to her brother Joheb, Darwish was having his meal silently though his ears were on their conversation. A smug smile formed at the corner of his lips. Diverting his eyes at Rubab he licked all of his fingers dramatically. 

" Is this some kind of joke?" Joheb questioned. He was annoyed by her response. " Do you think I am lying?"

Rubab shook her head trying to convince her brother and that's when Darwish decided to interfere. He said loudly," Brother-in-law."

" You are sounding delusional," He said standing up. " Didn't you hear my wife that she is fine? What nonsense are you talking about?" Darwish said while washing his hands and then drying them with a towel.

Joheb replied curtly," I am not here to talk to you."

Darwish chuckled. Getting close to Rubab he wrapped one of his arms around her. Rubab straightened her back feeling his fingers brushing on her skin. She didn't show any expression as if it was normal for her.

" Your brother seems worried about you. Shouldn't you.............." Darwish's words were left unfinished by Rubab.

She told her brother," Joheb, I am fine. I think you should go home now."

Joheb felt insulted by his sister's curt reply but he wasn't still convinced. He could smell that something was wrong. He waited for Rubab to open her mouth and share why did she call him. What was bothering her and why didn't she want to live with Darwish? But, Rubab didn't utter anything unusual. Instead, she kept assuring her brother that everything was fine. She was fine. 

" Take care of yourself, Rubi," Joheb pulled Rubab into a tight hug.

He whispered in her ear," I didn't buy your fake smile." Rubab's pupils moved slightly by his words but she didn't react at all. 

Joheb turned his back to leave while she continued staring at her brother's retreating figure. Her concentration was diverted from her brother feeling Darwish's hand getting tightened around her arm. Raising her eyes at him she smiled.

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