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Abhishek greet her with joined hands.

Vaishnavi get back into those days when she have a huge crush on Abhishek.

Flashback in Vaishnavi's POV

When I came to Mumbai to present my Art pieces for auction. I met him once, he was one of the most iconic youth guy in Mumbai of present time and that time too he had this same craze.

All the girls with me, get flat over him.

Including me, 🙈 I can't deny this fact that for one month after just a single meet where we just exchange two words.

Good evening and he responds "Namaste" I remember everything of that day.

After that I stalked him for one month like a crazy one sided aashiq just for his one look I stay in Mumbai for one month.

But in that one month I realise that he is out of range.

Because he is most popular youth face in politics of Maharashtra so everyone around him protect him like he is President of country.

He is more famous than celebrities, and more dangerous than mafia's in Mumbai.

This is the den of Abhishek nigam.

All I know about him makes me feel like love for him.


I made few paintings of him with me imagining us together and dreaming to meet him again, I came to work in Mumbai from Pune.

And finally today I met him again after 8 month through my new student Jannat who is his real sister.

Flashback and POV ends.

Abhishek : my sister really have a potential to become a great artist mam, please support her to achieve her dream.

Vaishnavi : it will be my pleasure to help your sister it can make everyone reach their dreams. (She said staring at Abhishek)

Jannat : bhaiya now you should go, I have class.

Abhishek hummed and he left.

Stay tuned

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