Chapter 19 - Kicking & Screaming

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Hey everyone :D So, the title is from a song by ATL! You guys should listen to them, if you don't already :) This chapter is on the same date as Chapter 18 so there won't be any confusion :) Enjoy! Also, FIOT has almost reached 3K! I'm so happy! Thank you guys! :D

Chapter 19 - Kicking & Screaming


Ben's POV

I get back into the car with Nikki and I stared out the window at the house that would soon be mine. "Are you sure you want to move out, Ben?" I look at her and nodded my head. "There are too many memories there, I need to leave it to start new." It had been two whole weeks since I've seen Ainsley.

She seemed happy with my answer because she put a hand on my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. "I'm proud of you, Ben. Really I am, you've been so brave through everything." I give her a small smile and she pulls out of the driveway onto the road. "Do you want to go to Starbucks with me? Or did you want to go back home?" She asked me, never taking her eyes off the road.

"I'll go with you to Starbucks, we both need the company." I told her quietly before going back to my thoughts about Ainsley. Suddenly, my phone flashed with Ainsley's picture on the screen. "Answer it, Benjamin. You know she needs you now more than ever." I sighed loudly, showing my obvious annoyance. I pick up my phone from the cup holder in the center and slide the answer button.

"Ben?" I instantly smile at her voice but I couldn't answer her, I was too annoyed still. "Ben! Answer me please!" This time her voice was laced with panic that I wasn't answering her.

"Ainsley, I'm here. I just wanted to hear your voice first." I tell her calmly, as I remember our conversation from earlier today. "Ains, can I ask you something?" I bite down on my lip, hoping she would answer me honestly.

"Yes, of course, you can ask me anything." That was all she said before she went silent, she was waiting on me to ask.

"D-Did you really mean it? When you said I couldn't go to your next ultrasound? Because that really hurt, Ainsley." I closed my eyes, suddenly wishing I had never asked.

"No, I didn't mean it. I just wanted you to be jealous because our relationship isn't exactly great right now. I wanted you to feel the hurt that I'm feeling without you. I miss you, I want us to be together again. For our baby's sake. Please? I need you in my life again." I could hear her sniffling, so she really meant what she was saying then.

"Ainsley, I love you too. I want us to be together too but that was wrong of you to do. I've been a complete wreck without you because I've been thinking about our baby's life with me not in it. I don't want that to happen. But, yes, I want us back again." I tell her and open my eyes, Nikki smiled at me.

I heard Ainsley squeal with happiness, which caused me to softly laugh at her. "Oh my gosh! Thank you Ben! This means the world to me and our baby." My smile grew wider at her words.

"You deserve the best, and I'm willing to do that for you, now more than ever." I said truthfully. She did deserve the best from me, not the person I was before but the one I am now. I'm slowly quitting my alcohol addiction. I'm doing it for Ainsley and our baby, but best of all, for me.

"I'm glad to hear that! You sound so much better than before!" She laughed and I went along with her. "You know, I feel better, way better than before and just think, I feel even better now that we are back together."

"We're not officially back together until we see each other again." I playfully scoffed at her and she started giggling. "You don't have to act offended, I'm doing us a favor, besides my hormones have been out of wack lately." I imagined her winking at the end and I held back a laugh.

"You could come up here tonight? I can pick you up again, if you'd like?" I raised an eyebrow and waited for her answer.

"Actually my mom bought me a car while I was gone with you, so I can drive myself now. I can be at your house tomorrow afternoon if I drive tonight." She said softly, I could hear the excitement in her voice.

"Ains, I don't want you driving at night, there's too much at risk for you to get in a wreck." I tell her firmly, I didn't want to have to make another hospital trip this summer. "Also, when do you start school back? If you're going to start staying with me, you'll have to go to school."

She groaned and mumbled about me not being fair. "August 5th. But, whhhyyy? I don't want to go to school, not now that I'm pregnant. It would be too much stress for me when I'm further along." She was trying to convince me to let her skip her senior year but that wasn't happening.

"Ains, you have to go to school, besides it'll only be for a little while then you'll be on maternity leave for the remainder of the year." I explain to her, trying so hard not to laugh at her pouting.

"Fine, I'll go to school but don't expect me to be happy about it." She continued her pouting mood and I slowly shook my head. "Well, you better cheer up soon because you're also going on tour with us starting in September." I knew she was going to freak out because her birthday was September 3rd and I was already planning something huge for her.

"I'm finally going on tour with you?!" She shouted in my ear and I had to move my phone away for a few seconds before putting it back to my ear. "Yes! You're coming with us." I tell her with a small laugh.

"I'm really sorry about Mason earlier. I didn't know he was going to call you a bad father. He's so wrong, you're going to be an amazing father to our baby. He or she is going to be so lucky to have you as their dad." I smile at her words and I heard Nikki sniffle. I turned my head to look at her and she waved me away, quickly turning her head from my view.

"Ainsley, that means the world to me hearing that from you. I want to apologize to you also. I do want the responsibility of raising our baby together. I didn't mean what I said. Also, you're making Nikki cry." I felt a weight lift from me as I got out what I felt guilty for.

"I forgive you, Ben. Now, is the sadness and apologies over? It's making my moods crazy, because right now I'm on the verge of crying with happiness. Tell Nikki that I've missed her so much and we need a girl day soon." She sniffled and sighed loudly. Nikki nodded her head with a smile and a thumbs up. "Nikki says she needs a girl's day badly."

"I hate to do this but I have to go and pack up my car with all of my stuff so we don't have to make any trips back. I love you, Ben." I felt my heart leap at those four words. It couldn't have made me any happier that I have Ainsley back. "I love you too, Ainsley Marie. I'll see you tomorrow, call me when you get close and I'll meet you somewhere." I tell her quickly before she could hang up.

"I will, I'm so excited to see you again! I feel like a kid on Christmas morning!" She said, while laughing and hung up. Nikki shot a glance at me with a knowing look. "I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time. I'm happy for you, Benny but don't hurt her again or I'll kill you." She warned me with a glare and I waved her off with a smile. "I have a feeling that this time will be permanent." I said to her as we pulled into the parking lot of Starbucks.

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