Chapter 8 - I Will Protect You Forever

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Chapter 8! Yay! What do you think about everything happening so far? Cheers! Please vote and comment! - Erin


Chapter 8 - I Will Protect You Forever

Ainsley's POV

All I have to tell people is to never ride with Benjamin Burnley. I thought I was going to die! That man has some total road rage, yelling at an old lady because she was walking too slow across the street, almost hitting several animals (purposely, just to make me mad), speeding and drafting cars. When I got out of the car, my whole body was shaking and I shot a terrified look towards Ben, which only got me a laugh in return.

"Was I really that bad, Ains?" He smiled and locked the car before walking over to me, waiting for me to gather myself. "Bad? You were terrible! You need some anger management classes! You were yelling at an old lady because she was walking too slow!" I shook my head in a disappointed way and we began to walk down the sidewalk. He laughed again, and I punched his shoulder playfully. "Hey! What's up with you abusing me all the time?" He looked at me with a fake pained look. I rolled my eyes at him and hold onto his arm.

He looks at me with a surprised look and shakes his arm until my hand falls off. He leans down close to me and we stop walking. "Not in public remember? Everyone knows you here and if they see us, it would go straight back to your mother. How would I explain that?" He says quietly to me, I shrugged and put my hand in his anyway. I hear Ben sigh in frustration and I laugh out loud. "It was too tempting! Plus, I don't care if my mom knows, I'll just live with you and everyone will know that we're together." He let's go of my hand and puts his hands on both of my shoulders. "Ainsley, I need you to listen to me okay?" He looks into my eyes and I slowly nod my head.

"We are not together, and you won't live with me. I know you think that what we have is one big fairytale to you but it's not. Wake up and realize that we are never going to be able to be together because of our age difference. I would love for us to be together but that's not possible right now. I'm not getting locked up for getting involved with a minor, so please, stop trying to get me to take that risk." I stare at him in shock, it was happening all over again. He was hurting me again, and this time I wasn't going to run from him. I was going to fight for us, and I knew exactly how to do it too.

He takes his hands off my shoulders and stands still. He was probably either waiting for me to explode or walk away from him. "Then I why did you come back here for me if we have no chance of being together? Why did you almost kiss me last night? Ben, you are so confusing sometimes! First, your all loveable then your a jerk! If your fans really knew that you were a jerk then they wouldn't love you anymore. I'm going to fight for us Ben. I love you and I don't want to lose you because of stupid numbers that don't mean anything, you shouldn't let that stop you from being with the one you love and I know you love me as much as I do you." I finished my tantrum while trying to catch my breath. I felt Ben's hand under my chin as he forced me to look up at him.

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