Chapter 17 - Pieces Of You

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Hey guys! Are you ready for yet another chapter of this wonderful book? lol I know I am! Thank you guys again! Love, Erin

Oh and listen to the song above while you read this chapter :( You'll figure out who it's talking about it's pretty obvious :) Also, I'm proud to announce that this story now has 2k reads and 60 votes I love you guys even the silent readers :) Thank you all!

Chapter 17 - Pieces Of You


June 17, 2014

(4 weeks)

Ben's POV

I couldn't help but think of Ainsley every time I would close my eyes. I lifted the final bottle to my lips and tilted my head back, letting the alcohol take my senses over. I already couldn't stand up straight without falling into something. Would this be my life now? Drinking until my heart stopped, tired from the abuse? I let out a sigh and took the pack of cigerettes I had hiding in my nightstand drawer. I lit one up and inhaled the addicting poison. It was a habit I wasn't willing to give up just yet, especially now that my life has gone to hell.

And I couldn't stop it from getting any worse as it is. My girlfriend, er ex, was pregnant with my baby and she left me because she was afraid. I guess she wasn't considering my feelings at that point, because I'm scared too. I may have not admitted to her at the beginning, but yes, I'm terrified. I don't want to be a bad father to my child, just like my father was to Thomas and I.

Ainsley was probably at home with Emily by now. I needed someone here with me so I didn't go insane. Should I call the guys? No, they would all be asleep by now. Nikki? Maybe. I reached for my phone that had somehow ended up on the table all the way on the opposite side of my bedroom. I wasn't about to wonder how it got there.

I struggled to dial Nikki's number and she answered after the second ring. "Hey Benny, what are you up to?" Her angelic voice pulled me back to when Rhi was still alive. I pushed those thoughts aside and laid down on my bed in the fetal position. "Nik, I don't know what to do. She left again, and this time she's..." I couldn't bare to say that she was pregnant. "Pregnant, I know Ben. She told me first. She was scared to tell you but I didn't know that she would leave because of it. Why don't you come over and get out of the house for a while?" I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face in frustration. "Nikki, it wouldn't be safe for me to drive, now that I've started drinking more." She sighed and I knew that she would be disappointed in me but what else was I supposed to do? Suffer through this? No I wouldn't do that and be sane.

"Alright I'll come to you then, and we'll get you out of there for awhile. Pack you a bag so we can go somewhere that I know will calm you down. Be careful ok?" I sighed and sat up, I held my head in my free hand because I had a piercing headache from sitting up too fast.

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