Chapter 12 - The Worst And Best Day Ever

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Heyo!!!! Yesh chapter 12!! If you guys have ANY questions about this story, please inbox me! I don't want you guys all confused and whatnot. Anyways, onto chapter 12! Enjoy my lovely readers (yes, even you silent ones XD) -Erin :D


Chapter 12 - The Worst And Best Day Ever

Ainsley's POV

The first thing I hear before my eyes open, is loud humming. I know it's not Ben, because the tone sounded more female than male. "Ainsley honey, wake up." That sure as heck isn't Ben, unless he wanted to sound like a girl. I cautiously open my eyes and I'm shocked at who I see in the same room as me. I try to move away from her but my restraints held me to the chair I was tied to.

"Mom, why the hell am I tied to a freaking chair?!" I ask her while staring down at my lap, my phone was ringing and Ben's picture flashed on the screen. He must be extremely worried about me, I tried to wiggle my hands out of the thick rope but moments after trying, my hands started to burn and ache, the ringing stopped and I let out a soft defeated whimper. "Let me talk to him! It's not fair to him that you kidnapped me for whatever crazy reason! Call him back!" I scream at her, my anger getting the best of me.

I only wanted to tell him I was safe, well sort of, and where I was so he could save me. I continued to stare down at Ben's picture until my phone was snatched out of my lap. I heard it smack against the wall and my mother kneeled down to my level.

"He must be so worried about you Ainsley. Too bad he won't know if your dead or alive." My mother said with a fake concerned voice, she even had a smile on her pale face and I glared at her, wishing I could smack that smile off of her face. "Can you untie me? I'll do whatever you want if you take these ropes off me! I'll-I'll" What would I do? I couldn't promise something and do it anyway.

"Your going to break things off with Ben for good this time, we are going to move somewhere he will never find us and you'll forget all about him." She told me quietly, pushing my hair behind my ears. I shook my head and choked back a sob. "No! No! You can't force me not to love him!" She tried to calm me down by untying me and then holding me like she use to when I was little.

"It'll be alright Ains, all love has to die eventually. In a few months, you'll forget he ever existed." I gently pushed her away and stood up, stretching out my cramped limbs. I had to figure out a way to get out of here, I have to get back to Ben. My mother kissed my forehead and left me alone in the basement, I heard the click of a lock and it was my chance to escape. I run over to my phone and pick it up, I dialed Ben's number and I saw a window leading to the outside world. I looked around for something to break it with.

Ben's frantic voice rang in my ears, asking me a million and one questions. "Ben, I'm fine. I only have a few minutes to talk. My mother took me to my house, I'm in the basement, trying to break out." I tell him as quietly as I could. "I'm on my way Ainsley." Those five little words made me stop and my breathing stopped too. He really did care a lot for me to put himself in possible danger.

I shook my thoughts away, put my phone in my jean pocket and I looked around for something to hit the window with. I see a hammer laying on the shelf, hanging on the wall. I quietly as possible run over to the shelf, grab the hammer and look up at the window.

I raise my weapon of escaping and it takes three tries of smashing the window until it was a big enough gap for me to squeeze through. I pull my shirt off and sweep away the broken glass before I lift myself up and through the broken window. I heard my mother push open the door and I stayed crouched down. "Get back in here Ainsley! Don't try to go after him, I'll just make you come with me anyway!" I stood up straight and started running along the side of the road, at this moment, I didn't care who saw me without a shirt on.

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